Due Friday, March 4 at 11am.
Suppose, $x,y,a,b$ are $n$-component column vectors. Then we can compute the following scalar $\alpha$:
$$ \alpha = a^T (y x^T + x y^T) b $$(a) Find a vector $c$ (made from $y,a,b$) such that we get the same $\alpha$ from: $$ \alpha = c^T x $$
(Fun fact: Any scalar that is a linear function of $x$ can be written as a dot product like this. The fancy name for this idea is the Riesz representation theorem.)
(b) Check your answer in Julia for some random vectors. Note that $x^T$ in Julia is written as x'
for real column vectors and matrices.
a = [1,2,7,3]
b = [9,-2,4,5]
y = [0,2,3,1]
x = [-3,2,4,-5]
α = ???? # write aᵀ(yxᵀ+xyᵀ)b in Julia
c = ???? # some formula in terms of a, b, y
# this should output "true":
c' * x ≈ α
Let $f(x)$ be the function:
$$ f(x) = \Vert (B + xx^T)^{-1} b \Vert $$where $B$ is an $n \times n$ matrix, and $b$ is an $n$-component column vector, and the input $x$ is an $n$-component column vector.
(a) Give a formula for $df = f(x+dx) - f(x)$, i.e. to first order in $dx$, as a linear operation on $dx$. (Your answer will have matrix inverses in it; that's okay.)
It might be helpful to break this into steps (a.k.a. a chain rule):
(b) Using your answer from problem 1, write $df = (\mbox{some vector})^T dx$, and hence give a formula for $\nabla f$.
(c) Check your $\nabla f$ formula by comparing it the numerically computed $f(x+dx) - f(x)$ for a small arbitrary $dx \in \mathbb{R}^4$.
You just need to fill in the "????" in the following code:
using LinearAlgebra
# some B matrix and b vector
B = [3 5 6 6
2 -2 -5 8
4 3 2 2
5 -8 -1 3]
b = [1,-1,2,-2]
f(x) = norm((B + x*x') \ b) # = ‖(B+xxᵀ)⁻¹b‖
# random test inputs:
x = [1,-2,4,6]
dx = [-3,5,0,2] * 1e-8 # a small change in x
f(x + dx) - f(x)
∇f = ???? # your formula from (a)
# this should match f(x+dx)-f(x) above,
# at least to a few digits:
df = ∇f'*dx
Let $A_0= \begin{pmatrix} 3 & 1 & 2\\ 7 & 3 & -2\\ -2 & -5 & 4\\ \end{pmatrix}$, and consider the nonlinear function $g(x)$ mapping 3-component vector inputs $x$ to 3-component vector outputs: $$ g(x) = \underbrace{\begin{pmatrix} x_1 & & \\ & x_2 & \\ & & x_3 \end{pmatrix}}_{\mathrm{Diagonal}(x)\mbox{ in Julia}} A_0 x + x - \begin{pmatrix} 1 \\ 1 \\ 1 \end{pmatrix} $$
Here, you will solve the nonlinear equations $g(x) = \vec{0}$ using Newton's method.
(a) Write down the $3\times 3$ Jacobian matrix $g'(x)$ as a function of $x$.
(b) Write a Julia function J(x)
below that computes your Jacobian formula from (a).
(c) Check that g(x+dx) ≈ J(x)*dx
for a small dx
at some x
(d) Plug your Jacobian, along with the provided g(x)
function, into the Newton iteration below, and use the starting guess $x = (1,1,1)$. Give the resulting solution to at least 5 significant digits (in every component).
using LinearAlgebra
A₀ = [3 1 2; 7 3 -2; -2 -5 4]
g(x) = Diagonal(x) * (A₀*x) + x .- 1
J(x) = ???? # your answer from (b)
J([1,2,3]) # try it — this should give a 3x3 matrix
x = randn(3)
dx = randn(3) * 1e-8
g(x+dx) - g(x)
J(x) * dx # this should match g(x+dx) - g(x) to a few digits
x = [1,1,1] # initial guess
# run 10 iterations of Newton's method
for i = 1:10
# show some output:
@show x
@show g(x)
x = x - J(x) \ g(x)
In problem 3 of pset 3, you considered $Ax = b$ for $$ A = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 \\ 1 & 2 & 4 & 6 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 2 \end{pmatrix}, \qquad b = \begin{pmatrix} \alpha \\ 6 \\ 1 \end{pmatrix} $$ and found that it only has solutions for $\alpha = 5$.
(a) Find a basis for $N(A^T)$, the left nullspace.
(b) Because $N(A^T)^\perp = C(A)$, the equation $Ax = b$ only has solutions when $b$ is perpendicular to a basis for $N(A^T)$. Plug in your answer from (a) to check that it is orthogonal to $b$ only when $\alpha = 5$, consistent with your solution in pset 3.
Suppose $S$ is spanned by (1,2,3) and (4,5,6). Then $S^\perp$ is the nullspace of what matrix?