Assignment 1
Assigned: 2/14/95
Due: 2/23/95
Part 1
In this introductory part of the assignment you will be introduced to:
- CMview:
hypertext CONNECTION MACHINE manual
- DJM:
distributed job manager for time sharing and queuing jobs
- Prism:
Thinking Machines best product, the ultimate debugging environment
1) The x-windows handshake:
On the workstation running your X window server (probably the machine
on your desk) execute the command
"xhost +"
This will allow X Window applications running on scout and two of
the partition managers (more about them later) to display on your screen.
On scout execute the command "setenv DISPLAY machine:0" where "machine"
is the name of the workstation that is running your X Window server.
This will let X Window applications running on scout know that they are
to display on your screen.
2) CMview is an application that provides a graphical user interface to
Thinking Machine's on-line documentation. Start CMview by executing the
command "cmview &". After a short delay a window welcoming you to CMview
should appear on your screen.
3) During the day the CM-5 is configured as two 32-node and one 64-node
partitions. At night (from midnight to 7:00 AM) it is configured as
a single 128-node partition. In other words, during the day the CM-5
looks as if it is three separate machines, two with 32 nodes and one
with 64 nodes. At night it looks like a single 128 node machine.
4) DJM is a job manager that assigns CM-5 jobs to these partitions in an
intelligent manner. It tries to balance the loads of the various
partitions. Using the information you give it, it also tries to avoid
running jobs at the same time on a given partition if the total memory
used by the jobs is greater than the total memory available on that
partition. This is done to avoid runtime failure of a program that
requests more memory than is available.
5) Prism is a graphical programming environment that supports program
development, debugging, and performance evaluation.
Using CMView, pop up the manual (click on *manuals*) "Using DJM on
the CM-5" (under GENERAL). WARNING: There are a few oddball displays
on which this does not work. If you have a problem try another display.
ANOTHER WARNING: You will soon have lots of windows on your
screen. You can close them as you are done with them
by pulling down the FILE menu.
Use the page turning icon to go to page iii of the manual
and then click
on the "index" entry in
the table of contents.
Now click on the "Prism" entry in the index.
Using the hypertext capability of CMview, jump to the section of the
manual referred to by the entry (This is on page 34 of the manual).
After reading this section of the manual (there may be things you won't
understand - that's OK), click on the "File" button at the top of the
window and select the entry "New Window" from the pulldown menu that
appears. (The only way to get two simultaneous views of the text
in the manual is by creating a new window.) To understand the options
in the script file that is presented in this section of the manual,
scroll back (or click on the Page button right below the File button)
to page 19 in the newly created window and look them up in
the table that begins on that page (note that cpu is an abbreviation for
cputime and mem is an abbreviation for memory).
6) Create a little DJM script (based on the model on page 35)
that will run on a 32 node partition, uses less than 50 megabytes
of memory, and requires less than 1 minute of cpu time. Use your
favorite text editor to create a script file that will run Prism using
these values for the jsub options. Make the script executable using
the command "chmod u+x filename", where "filename" is the name of the
script file.
7) As described in the DJM manual, use the jrun command to execute the script
file you created in Step 6. After a short delay a Prism window should
appear on your screen.
One student reported an irritation that Prism allocated too many
colors. I have never experienced this problem myself.
8) Click on the button labelled "Help" in the upper right-hand corner of
Prism's display and select "Tutorial" from the pulldown menu that appears.
Work through all of the tutorials except the last (Customizing Prism).
Continue to part 2.
Return to the class home page.