18.704 - Seminar in Algebra and Number Theory (Spring 2012)

Instructor: Steven L. Kleiman

Phone: x3-4996. Email: Kleiman [at] math . MIT .edu

Meetings: T R 11:00 - 12:30 pm, Room 2-135

Instructor's office hours: T R 8:30-11, 1-2:30 and by appointment. Room 2-278


Computational algebra and algebraic geometry.

Prerequisite: 18.06, 18.700, or 18.701. Corequisite: 18.702, or 18.703.

Text Book: "Ideals, Varieties, and Algorithms" by Cox, Little, and O'Shea, UTM Springer, third edition, 2007. Google books has most of the book online. You can find it HERE. If you have an MIT certificate, then you can get the book in electronic form directly from springer.

- Based equally on classwork, homework, and the term paper; no exams or final.
- Written work will be graded in part on the quality of the writing.
- A short written critique of each lecture is due at the end of that lecture.
- The term paper is to be ten-pages long in TeX: a full outline is due by Tuesday, 3 April; the first third is due by Tuesday, 10 April; the first two-thirds is due by Thursday, 19 April; a complete first draft, by Thursday, 26 April; and a revised final draft, by Thursday, 17 May.

Homework: Problems with numbers between braces are to be written up formally in TeX and passed in by Thursday of the week after they are assigned; they may be emailed either in TeX form or dvi form directly to the TA.