2.00b Toy Product Design

Sketch Model Presentations

Team Name

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See presentation videos and photos!

Concept 1: Concept 1 Name

Concept 1 Short Description


Was it clear what question(s) the plays-like model was addressing?

How effective was the plays-like sketch model at answering the question(s)?

poor great! no model


Was it clear what question(s) the looks-like model was addressing?

How effective was the looks-like sketch model at answering the question(s)?

poor great! no model


Could you see this toy concept as a commercial product?

Concept 2: Concept 2 Name

Concept 2 Short Description


Was it clear what question(s) the plays-like model was addressing?

How effective was the plays-like sketch model at answering the question(s)?

poor great! no model


Was it clear what question(s) the looks-like model was addressing?

How effective was the looks-like sketch model at answering the question(s)?

poor great! no model


Could you see this toy concept as a commercial product?

Please submit this form once for each team. If you submit multiple times, the most recent submission will be processed. You will be directed to the review form index after submitting this form so that you may choose which team you would like to submit feedback for next. Thank you.

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