2.00b Toy Product Design

Let's Play - Toobers!

Electronics 1Introduction to Toobers

Hello 2.00ber!

Here are the step-by-step instructions for building and testing the Let's Play activity: a simon-esque toy called "Toobers!". If you're not familiar with the classic 'simon' toy game, here's a video of it! This is an introductory activity designed to get your hands wet in building and assembling your own toy. Below is an example of what you might end up with- of course, once you've gone through this activity, you're always free to customize and modify as you see fit!

Toobers Breadboard
Toobers CAD with hidden lines
Toobers Cheese Render

These instructions assume no prior experience with building electronics or using a microcontroller. The explanatory sections will be very basic since it is not our goal in this project to teach programming or electronics. Initially, we'd like everyone to be able to follow the step-by-step instructions and get the project to work!

Parts of this activity should be done before coming to lab, and some will happen during lab. We will be providing you with all tools and resources needed complete this activity. Please note when various parts are due/will be happening in the timeline above!

Getting Help

If you're in lab, please feel free to reach out to any of the lab instructors or lab mentors on your team! There may also be extra lab staff floating around (you'll see them in white lab coats)!

Need help outside of lab time? Just post in the #ask-the-tas channel! There's usually someone available, even late at night. Also, if you know the answer to a question that has been asked, please feel free to pitch in and answer. We're all in this together!

Hardware-related questions: (e.g., wiring & electronics) it is often helpful to post a picture of your wiring so that we can check that everything has been wired correctly. It may take multiple pictures from different angles to show all the wiring clearly. Sometimes a second set of eyes is all you need.

Software-related: it is often helpful to post a picture of the error message, or if you've modified the code to do something different, posting a code. Tip: you can post a code block by surrounding your text with ```.

Not sure whether's a hardware or a software related issue? Post information on both! Avoid just saying something "just doesn't work". Here's a checklist for points that are good to cover in your question:

  • What is happening (or not happening)?
  • What you were expecting to happen?
  • Anything you may have tried so far to fix the problem

Summary of the Process

This is the rough breakdown of the process we'll be pursuing over the course of the next two labs:

1. Electronics & Programming

  • Set up an Arduino, and learn to upload software to the Arduino from your computer.
  • Wire up and test a basic version of the game with LEDs and buttons.
  • Work with an audio player, upload audio files, and have sounds play off a mini-speaker to add interactivity!

2. Housing

  • Use CAD (computer-aided design) software to model the toy housing. (The software we're using is Fusion 360, a well-known CAD software used widely in Course 2 classes as well as in industry.)
  • Work with constraints and hardpoints, and modify an existing game shell to create your own housing. This can include adding features, color, and beyond!
  • Submit your housing to be 3D printed (in color!)

3. Assembly

  • Slim down the breadboard circuit to a PCB (printed circuit board), which we will provide.
  • Solder the components onto the PCB (a more durable and permanent alternative to a breadboard.)
  • Fit the electronics into your 3D printed housing.

Once you're done, you'll have a nifty Toobers toy to show off to your friends and family! You can even modify it however you want (what other games can you create with four buttons and four lights?)