Our course website is: http://web.mit.edu/2.010/www.
(Announcements may appear from time to time there; check weekly, when you visit to download PS's and solutions...)
Notes may exist for any given Problem Set
including all or some of the following:
WimpyPoint presentations like this one.
Suggested Reading.
Answers to Specific Questions (submitted to the TA via email).
2.010 (Lecture) TA Info:
Katie Lilienkamp
contact via email: gonzo@mit.edu
Office Hours: Monday 3-5pm in Room 1-190
- day before PS's are due. - other hours available by appointment.
Tutorials: Friday 1-2pm in Room 2-132
- still can be rescheduled, but only if I get email requests!!
Remember, email the TA with suggested TUTORIAL times that avoid conflicts.