
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /**
00002  *  @file Elements.h 
00003  *  Header file for class, Elements, which contains the elements that 
00004  *  make up species (see \ref phases and \link Cantera::Elements Elements\endlink).
00005  *
00006  *  This file contains the declarations for the elements class.
00007  */
00008 /***********************************************************************
00009  *  $RCSfile: Elements.h,v $
00010  *  $Author: hkmoffa $ 
00011  *  $Date: 2010-01-17 12:55:28 -0500 (Sun, 17 Jan 2010) $
00012  *  $Revision: 386 $
00013  ***********************************************************************/
00014 //  Copyright 2001  California Institute of Technology
00016 #ifndef CT_ELEMENTS_H
00017 #define CT_ELEMENTS_H
00019 #undef USE_DGG_CODE
00021 #include "ct_defs.h"
00024 namespace Cantera {
00026   class XML_Node;
00027   class ElementRangeError;
00029   //! Positive number indicating we don't know the gibbs free energy 
00030   //! of the element in its most stable state at 298.15 K and 1 bar.
00031   //#define GIBSSFE298_UNKNOWN 123456789.
00032 #define ENTROPY298_UNKNOWN -123456789.
00034   //! Object containing the elements that make up species in a phase.
00035   /*!
00036    * Class %Elements manages the elements that are part of a
00037    * chemistry specification.  This class may support calculations
00038    * employing Multiple phases. In this case, a single Elements object may
00039    * be shared by more than one Constituents class. Reactions between
00040    * the phases may then be described using stoichiometry base on the
00041    * same Elements class object.
00042    * 
00043    * The member functions return information about the elements described
00044    * in a particular instantiation of the class.
00045    * 
00046    * @ingroup phases
00047    */
00048   class Elements {
00050   public:
00052     //! Default constructor for the elements class
00053     Elements();
00055     //! Default destructor for the elements class
00056     ~Elements();
00059     //! copy constructor
00060     /*!
00061      *   This copy constructor just calls the assignment operator for this
00062      *   class. It sets the number of subscribers to zer0.
00063      *
00064      * @param right   Reference to the object to be copied.
00065      */
00066     Elements(const Elements& right);
00068     //! Assigntment operator
00069     /*!
00070      *   This is the assignment operator for the Elements class.
00071      *   Right now we pretty much do a straight uncomplicated 
00072      *   assignment. However, subscribers are not mucked with, as they
00073      *   have to do with the address of the object to be subscribed to
00074      *
00075      * @param right   Reference to the object to be copied.
00076      */
00077     Elements& operator=(const Elements& right);
00080     //!  Static function to look up an atomic weight 
00081     /*!
00082      *   This static function looks up the argument string in the
00083      *   database above and returns the associated molecular weight.
00084      *   The data are from the periodic table.
00085      *
00086      *  Note: The idea behind this function is to provide a unified 
00087      *        source for the element atomic weights. This helps to
00088      *        ensure that mass is conserved.
00089      *
00090      *  @param ename  String, Only the first 3 characters are significant
00091      *
00092      *  @return
00093      *    Return value contains the atomic weight of the element
00094      *    If a match for the string is not found, a value of -1.0 is
00095      *    returned.
00096      *
00097      *  @exception CanteraError 
00098      *    If a match is not found, a CanteraError is thrown as well  
00099      */
00100     static double LookupWtElements(const std::string &ename);
00102     /// Atomic weight of element m.
00103     /*!
00104      *  @param m element index
00105      */
00106     doublereal atomicWeight(int m) const { return m_atomicWeights[m]; }
00108     /// Atomic number of element m.
00109     /*!
00110      *  @param m element index
00111      */
00112     int atomicNumber(int m) const { return m_atomicNumbers[m]; }
00114     //! Entropy at 298.15 K and 1 bar of stable state
00115     //! of the element
00116     /*!
00117      *   units J kmol-1 K-1
00118      *
00119      *  @param m  Element index
00120      */
00121     doublereal entropyElement298(int m) const;
00123     /// vector of element atomic weights
00124     const vector_fp& atomicWeights() const { return m_atomicWeights; }
00126     /** 
00127      * Inline function that returns the number of elements in the object.
00128      * 
00129      *  @return 
00130      *    \c int: The number of elements in the object.
00131      */
00132     int nElements() const { return m_mm; }
00134     //! Function that returns the index of an element.
00135     /*!
00136      * Index of element named \c name. The index is an integer
00137      * assigned to each element in the order it was added,
00138      * beginning with 0 for the first element.  If \c name is not
00139      * the name of an element in the set, then the value -1 is
00140      * returned.
00141      *
00142      * @param name String containing the index.
00143      */
00144     int elementIndex(std::string name) const;
00146     //! Name of the element with index \c m. 
00147     /*!
00148      * @param m Element index. If m < 0 or m >= nElements() an exception is thrown.
00149      */
00150     std::string elementName(int m) const;
00152     //!   Returns a string vector containing the element names  
00153     /*!
00154      * Returns a read-only reference to the vector of element names.
00155      * @return <tt> const vector<string>& </tt>: The vector contains
00156      *         the element names in their indexed order.
00157      */
00158     const std::vector<std::string>& elementNames() const {
00159       return m_elementNames;
00160     }
00162     //! Add an element to the current set of elements in the current object.
00163     /*!
00164      *   The default weight is a special value, which will cause the
00165      *   routine to look up the actual weight via a string lookup.
00166      *
00167      *   There are two interfaces to this routine. The XML interface
00168      *   looks up the required parameters for the regular interface
00169      *   and then calls the base routine.
00170      *
00171      * @param symbol string symbol for the element.
00172      * @param weight Atomic weight of the element. If no argument
00173      *               is provided, a lookup is attempted.
00174      */
00175     void addElement(const std::string& symbol, 
00176                     doublereal weight = -12345.0);
00178     //! Add an element to the current set of elements in the current object.
00179     /*!
00180      * @param   e   Reference to the XML_Node containing the element information
00181      *              The node name is the element symbol and the atomWt attribute
00182      *              is used as the atomic weight.
00183      */
00184     void addElement(const XML_Node& e);
00186     //!  Add an element only if the element hasn't been added before.
00187     /*!
00188      * This is accomplished via a string match on symbol.
00189      *
00190      * @param symbol string symbol for the element.
00191      * @param weight Atomic weight of the element. If no argument
00192      *               is provided, a lookup is attempted.
00193      * @param atomicNumber defaults to 0
00194      * @param entropy298  Value of the entropy at 298 and 1 bar of the
00195      *                    element in its most stable form.
00196      *                    The default is to specify an ENTROPY298_UNKNOWN value,
00197      *                    which will cause a throw error if its ever
00198      *                    needed.
00199      */
00200     void addUniqueElement(const std::string& symbol, 
00201                           doublereal weight = -12345.0, int atomicNumber = 0,
00202                           doublereal entropy298 = ENTROPY298_UNKNOWN);
00204     //! Add an element to the current set of elements in the current object.
00205     /*!
00206      * @param   e   Reference to the XML_Node containing the element information
00207      *              The node name is the element symbol and the atomWt attribute
00208      *              is used as the atomic weight.
00209      */
00210     void addUniqueElement(const XML_Node& e);
00212     //! Add multiple elements from a XML_Node phase description
00213     /*!
00214      *  @param phase XML_Node reference to a phase
00215      */
00216     void addElementsFromXML(const XML_Node& phase);
00218     //! Prohibit addition of more elements, and prepare to add species.
00219     void freezeElements();
00221     /// True if freezeElements has been called.
00222     bool elementsFrozen() { return m_elementsFrozen; }
00224     /// Remove all elements
00225     void clear();
00227     /// True if both elements and species have been frozen
00228     bool ready() const;
00231     //! subscribe to this object
00232     /*!
00233      *  Increment by one the number of subscriptions to this object.
00234      */
00235     void subscribe();
00237     //! unsubscribe to this object
00238     /*!
00239      *  decrement by one the number of subscriptions to this object.
00240      */
00241     int unsubscribe();
00243     //! report the number of subscriptions
00244     int reportSubscriptions() const;
00246   protected:
00248     /******************************************************************/
00249     /*      Description of DATA in the Object                         */
00250     /******************************************************************/
00252     //!   Number of elements.
00253     int                            m_mm;
00255     /* m_elementsFrozen: */
00256     /**   boolean indicating completion of object
00257      *
00258      *    If this is true, then no elements may be added to the
00259      *    object.
00260      */
00261     bool                           m_elementsFrozen;
00263     /**
00264      *  Vector of element atomic weights:
00265      *
00266      *   units = kg / kmol
00267      */
00268     vector_fp                      m_atomicWeights;
00270     /**
00271      *  Vector of element atomic numbers:
00272      *
00273      */
00274     vector_int                      m_atomicNumbers;
00276     /** Vector of strings containing the names of the elements
00277      *        
00278      *  Note, a string search is the primary way to identify elements.
00279      */
00280     std::vector<std::string>                 m_elementNames;
00282     //! Entropy at 298.15 K and 1 bar of stable state
00283     /*!
00284      *   units J kmol-1
00285      */
00286     vector_fp m_entropy298;
00288     /**
00289      * Number of Constituents Objects that use this object
00290      *
00291      * Number of Constituents Objects that require this Elements object
00292      * to complete its definition.
00293      * The destructor checks to see that this is equal to zero.
00294      *  when the element object is released.
00295      */
00296     int                            numSubscribers;
00298     /********* GLOBAL STATIC SECTION *************/
00300   public:
00301     /** Vector of pointers to Elements Objects
00302      *
00303      */
00304     static std::vector<Elements *> Global_Elements_List;
00306     friend class Constituents;
00307   };  
00309 }  // namespace
00311 #endif
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