Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /**
00002  *  @file PDSS_HKFT.h
00003  *    Declarations for the class PDSS_HKFT (pressure dependent standard state)
00004  *    which handles calculations for a single species in a phase using the
00005  *    HKFT standard state
00006  *    (see \ref pdssthermo and class \link Cantera::PDSS_HKFT PDSS_HKFT\endlink).
00007  */
00009 /* 
00010  *  $Date: 2009-12-05 14:08:43 -0500 (Sat, 05 Dec 2009) $
00011  *  $Revision: 279 $
00012  */
00014 /*
00015  * Copywrite (2006) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of 
00016  * Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the
00017  * U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
00018  */
00020 #ifndef CT_PDSS_HKFT_H
00021 #define CT_PDSS_HKFT_H
00023 class WaterPropsIAPWS;
00024 #include "PDSS.h"
00026 namespace Cantera {
00027   class XML_Node;
00028   class VPStandardState;
00029   class PDSS_Water;
00030   class WaterProps;
00032   //! Class for pressure dependent standard states corresponding to 
00033   //!  ionic solutes in electrolyte water.
00034   /*!
00035    *
00036    * Virtual base class for calculation of the
00037    * pressure dependent standard state for a single species
00038    * 
00039    * Class %PDSS is the base class
00040    * for a family of classes that compute properties of a set of
00041    * species in their standard states at a range of temperatures
00042    * and pressures. The independent variables for this object
00043    * are temperature and pressure.
00044    * The class may mave a reference to a SpeciesThermo object
00045    * which handles the calculation of the reference state temperature
00046    * behavior of a subset of species.
00047    *
00048    * This class is analagous to the SpeciesThermoInterpType
00049    * class, except that the standard state inherently incorporates
00050    * the pressure dependence.
00051    *
00052    * The class operates on a setState temperature and pressure basis.
00053    * It only recalculates the standard state when the setState functions
00054    * for temperature and pressure are called
00055    *
00056    * @ingroup pdssthermo
00057    */
00058   class PDSS_HKFT : public PDSS {
00060   public:
00061    /**
00062      * @name  Constructors
00063      * @{
00064      */
00066    //! Constructor that initializes the object by examining the XML entries
00067     //! from the ThermoPhase object
00068     /*!
00069      *  This function calls the constructPDSS member function.
00070      * 
00071      *  @param tp        Pointer to the ThermoPhase object pertaining to the phase
00072      *  @param spindex   Species index of the species in the phase
00073      */
00074     PDSS_HKFT(VPStandardStateTP *tp, int spindex);
00076     //! Copy Constructor
00077     /*!
00078      * @param b object to be copied
00079      */
00080     PDSS_HKFT(const PDSS_HKFT &b);
00082     //! Assignment operator
00083     /*!
00084      * @param b Object to be copied
00085      */
00086     PDSS_HKFT& operator=(const PDSS_HKFT&b);
00088     //! Constructor that initializes the object by examining the input file
00089     //! of the ThermoPhase object
00090     /*!
00091      *  This function calls the constructPDSSFile member function.
00092      * 
00093      *  @param vptp_ptr  Pointer to the ThermoPhase object pertaining to the phase
00094      *  @param spindex   Species index of the species in the phase
00095      *  @param inputFile String name of the input file
00096      *  @param id        String name of the phase in the input file. The default
00097      *                   is the empty string, in which case the first phase in the
00098      *                   file is used.
00099      */
00100     PDSS_HKFT(VPStandardStateTP *vptp_ptr, int spindex,
00101               std::string inputFile, std::string id = "");
00103     //! Constructor that initializes the object by examining the input file
00104     //! of the ThermoPhase object
00105     /*!
00106      *  This function calls the constructPDSSXML member function.
00107      * 
00108      *  @param vptp_ptr    Pointer to the ThermoPhase object pertaining to the phase
00109      *  @param spindex     Species index of the species in the phase
00110      *  @param speciesNode Reference to the species XML tree.
00111      *  @param phaseRef    Reference to the XML tree containing the phase information.
00112      *  @param spInstalled Boolean indicating whether the species is installed yet
00113      *                     or not.
00114      */
00115     PDSS_HKFT(VPStandardStateTP *vptp_ptr, int spindex, const XML_Node& speciesNode,
00116               const XML_Node& phaseRef, bool spInstalled);
00118     //! Destructor for the phase
00119     virtual ~PDSS_HKFT();
00121     //! Duplicator
00122     virtual PDSS *duplMyselfAsPDSS() const;
00124     /**
00125      * @}   
00126      * @name  Utilities  
00127      * @{
00128      */
00130     /**
00131      * @} 
00132      * @name  Molar Thermodynamic Properties of the Species Standard State
00133      *        in the Solution
00134      * @{
00135      */
00137     /**
00138      * @} 
00139      * @name  Molar Thermodynamic Properties of the Solution --------------
00140      * @{
00141      */
00143     //! Return the molar enthalpy in units of J kmol-1
00144     /*!
00145      * Returns the species standard state enthalpy in J kmol-1 at the
00146      * current temperature and pressure.
00147      *
00148      * @return returns the species standard state enthalpy in  J kmol-1
00149      */
00150     virtual doublereal enthalpy_mole() const;
00152 #ifdef DEBUG_MODE
00153     //! Return the molar enthalpy in units of J kmol-1
00154     /*!
00155      * Returns the species standard state enthalpy in J kmol-1 at the
00156      * current temperature and pressure.
00157      *
00158      *  Note this is just an extra routine to check the arithmetic
00159      *
00160      * @return returns the species standard state enthalpy in  J kmol-1
00161      */
00162     doublereal enthalpy_mole2() const;
00163 #endif
00165     //! Return the standard state molar enthalpy divided by RT
00166     /*!
00167      * Returns the species standard state enthalpy divided by RT at the
00168      * current temperature and pressure.
00169      *
00170      * @return returns the species standard state enthalpy in unitless form
00171      */
00172     virtual doublereal enthalpy_RT() const;
00174     //! Return the molar internal Energy in units of J kmol-1
00175     /*!
00176      * Returns the species standard state internal Energy in J kmol-1 at the
00177      * current temperature and pressure.
00178      *
00179      * @return returns the species standard state internal Energy in  J kmol-1
00180      */
00181     virtual doublereal intEnergy_mole() const;
00183     //! Return the molar entropy in units of J kmol-1 K-1
00184     /*!
00185      * Returns the species standard state entropy in J kmol-1 K-1 at the
00186      * current temperature and pressure.
00187      *
00188      * @return returns the species standard state entropy in J kmol-1 K-1
00189      */
00190     virtual doublereal entropy_mole() const;
00192     //! Return the molar gibbs free energy in units of J kmol-1
00193     /*!
00194      * Returns the species standard state gibbs free energy in J kmol-1 at the
00195      * current temperature and pressure.
00196      *
00197      * @return returns the species standard state gibbs free energy in  J kmol-1
00198      */
00199     virtual doublereal gibbs_mole() const;
00201     //! Return the molar const pressure heat capacity in units of J kmol-1 K-1
00202     /*!
00203      * Returns the species standard state Cp in J kmol-1 K-1 at the
00204      * current temperature and pressure.
00205      *
00206      * @return returns the species standard state Cp in J kmol-1 K-1
00207      */
00208     virtual doublereal cp_mole() const;
00210     //! Return the molar const volume heat capacity in units of J kmol-1 K-1
00211     /*!
00212      * Returns the species standard state Cv in J kmol-1 K-1 at the
00213      * current temperature and pressure.
00214      *
00215      * @return returns the species standard state Cv in J kmol-1 K-1
00216      */
00217     virtual doublereal cv_mole() const;
00219     //! Return the molar volume at standard state
00220     /*!
00221      * Returns the species standard state molar volume at the
00222      * current temperature and pressure
00223      *
00224      * @return returns the standard state molar volume divided by R
00225      *             units are m**3 kmol-1.
00226      */
00227     virtual doublereal molarVolume() const;
00229     //! Return the standard state density at standard state
00230     /*!
00231      * Returns the species standard state density at the
00232      * current temperature and pressure
00233      *
00234      * @return returns the standard state density
00235      *             units are kg m-3
00236      */
00237     virtual doublereal density() const;
00239     /**
00240      * @} 
00241      * @name Properties of the Reference State of the Species
00242      *       in the Solution 
00243      * @{
00244      */
00247     //! Return the reference pressure for this phase.
00248     doublereal refPressure() const {
00249       return m_p0;
00250     }
00252     //! Return the molar gibbs free energy divided by RT at reference pressure
00253     /*!
00254      * Returns the species reference state gibbs free energy divided by RT at the
00255      * current temperature.
00256      *
00257      * @return returns the reference state gibbs free energy divided by RT
00258      */
00259     virtual doublereal gibbs_RT_ref() const;
00261     //! Return the molar enthalpy divided by RT at reference pressure
00262     /*!
00263      * Returns the species reference state enthalpy divided by RT at the
00264      * current temperature.
00265      *
00266      * @return returns the reference state enthalpy divided by RT
00267      */
00268     virtual doublereal enthalpy_RT_ref() const;
00270     //! Return the molar entropy divided by R at reference pressure
00271     /*!
00272      * Returns the species reference state entropy divided by R at the
00273      * current temperature.
00274      *
00275      * @return returns the reference state entropy divided by R
00276      */
00277     virtual doublereal entropy_R_ref() const;
00279     //! Return the molar heat capacity divided by R at reference pressure
00280     /*!
00281      * Returns the species reference state heat capacity divided by R at the
00282      * current temperature.
00283      *
00284      * @return returns the reference state heat capacity divided by R
00285      */
00286     virtual doublereal cp_R_ref() const;
00288     //! Return the molar volume at reference pressure
00289     /*!
00290      * Returns the species reference state molar volume at the
00291      * current temperature.
00292      *
00293      * @return returns the reference state molar volume divided by R
00294      *             units are m**3 kmol-1.
00295      */
00296     virtual doublereal molarVolume_ref() const;
00298     /**
00299      * @}
00300      *  @name Mechanical Equation of State Properties 
00301      * @{
00302      */
00304      //! Returns the pressure (Pa)
00305     virtual doublereal pressure() const;
00307     //! Sets the pressure in the object
00308     /*!
00309      * Currently, this sets the pressure in the PDSS object.
00310      * It is indeterminant what happens to the owning VPStandardStateTP
00311      * object and to the VPSSMgr object.
00312      *
00313      * @param   pres   Pressure to be set (Pascal)
00314      */
00315     virtual void setPressure(doublereal pres);
00317     //! Set the internal temperature
00318     /*!
00319      * @param temp Temperature (Kelvin)
00320      */
00321     virtual void setTemperature(doublereal temp);
00323     //! Return the current storred temperature
00324     doublereal temperature() const;
00326     //! Set the internal temperature and pressure
00327     /*!
00328      * @param  temp     Temperature (Kelvin)
00329      * @param  pres     pressure (Pascals)
00330      */
00331     virtual void setState_TP(doublereal temp, doublereal pres);
00333     /**
00334      * @}
00335      *  @name  Miscellaneous properties of the standard state
00336      * @{
00337      */ 
00339     /// critical temperature 
00340     virtual doublereal critTemperature() const;
00342     /// critical pressure
00343     virtual doublereal critPressure() const;
00345     /// critical density
00346     virtual doublereal critDensity() const;
00348     /**
00349      * @}
00350      *  @name  Initialization of the Object
00351      * @{
00352      */
00354     //! Initialization routine for all of the shallow pointers
00355     /*!
00356      *  This is a cascading call, where each level should call the
00357      *  the parent level.
00358      *
00359      *  The initThermo() routines get called before the initThermoXML() routines
00360      *  from the constructPDSSXML() routine.
00361      *
00362      *
00363      *  Calls initPtrs();
00364      */
00365     virtual void initThermo();
00367     //! Initialization of a PDSS object using an
00368     //! input XML file.
00369     /*!
00370      *
00371      * This routine is a precursor to constructPDSSXML(XML_Node*)
00372      * routine, which does most of the work.
00373      *
00374      * @param vptp_ptr    Pointer to the Variable pressure %ThermoPhase object
00375      *                    This object must have already been malloced.
00376      *
00377      * @param spindex     Species index within the phase
00378      *
00379      * @param inputFile   XML file containing the description of the
00380      *                    phase
00381      *
00382      * @param id          Optional parameter identifying the name of the
00383      *                    phase. If none is given, the first XML
00384      *                    phase element will be used.
00385      */
00386     void constructPDSSFile(VPStandardStateTP *vptp_ptr, int spindex, 
00387                            std::string inputFile, std::string id);
00389     //!  Initialization of a PDSS object using an xml tree
00390     /*!
00391      * This routine is a driver for the initialization of the
00392      * object.
00393      * 
00394      *   basic logic:
00395      *       initThermo()                 (cascade)
00396      *       getStuff from species Part of XML file
00397      *       initThermoXML(phaseNode)      (cascade)
00398      * 
00399      * @param vptp_ptr   Pointer to the Variable pressure %ThermoPhase object
00400      *                   This object must have already been malloced.
00401      *
00402      * @param spindex    Species index within the phase
00403      *
00404      * @param speciesNode XML Node containing the species information
00405      *
00406      * @param phaseNode  Reference to the phase Information for the phase
00407      *                   that owns this species.
00408      *
00409      * @param spInstalled  Boolean indicating whether the species is 
00410      *                     already installed.
00411      */
00412     void constructPDSSXML(VPStandardStateTP *vptp_ptr, int spindex, 
00413                           const XML_Node& speciesNode, 
00414                           const XML_Node& phaseNode, bool spInstalled);
00416     //! Initialization routine for the PDSS object based on the phaseNode
00417     /*!
00418      *  This is a cascading call, where each level should call the
00419      *  the parent level.
00420      *
00421      * @param phaseNode  Reference to the phase Information for the phase
00422      *                   that owns this species.
00423      *
00424      * @param id         Optional parameter identifying the name of the
00425      *                   phase. If none is given, the first XML
00426      *                   phase element will be used.
00427      */
00428     virtual void initThermoXML(const XML_Node& phaseNode, std::string& id);
00430     //! Initialize or Reinitialize all shallow pointers in the object
00431     /*!
00432      *  This command is called to reinitialize all shallow pointers in the
00433      *  object. It's needed for the duplicator capability
00434      *
00435      * @param vptp_ptr       Pointer to the Variable pressure %ThermoPhase object
00436      *                       This object must have already been malloced.
00437      *
00438      * @param vpssmgr_ptr    Pointer to the variable pressure standard state
00439      *                       calculator for this phase
00440      *
00441      * @param spthermo_ptr   Pointer to the optional SpeciesThermo object
00442      *                       that will handle the calculation of the reference
00443      *                       state thermodynamic coefficients.
00444      */
00445     virtual void initAllPtrs(VPStandardStateTP *vptp_ptr, VPSSMgr *vpssmgr_ptr, 
00446                              SpeciesThermo* spthermo_ptr);
00448     //! This utility function reports back the type of
00449     //! parameterization and all of the parameters for the
00450     //! species, index.
00451     /*!
00452      *
00453      * The following parameters are reported
00454      *
00455      * -   c[0] = m_deltaG_formation_tr_pr;
00456      * -   c[1] = m_deltaH_formation_tr_pr;
00457      * -   c[2] = m_Mu0_tr_pr;
00458      * -   c[3] = m_Entrop_tr_pr;
00459      * -   c[4] =  m_a1;
00460      * -   c[5] =  m_a2;
00461      * -   c[6] =  m_a3;
00462      * -   c[7] =  m_a4;
00463      * -   c[8] =  m_c1;
00464      * -   c[9] =  m_c2;
00465      * -   c[10] = m_omega_pr_tr;
00466      * .
00467      *
00468      * @param kindex     Species index
00469      * @param type      Integer type of the standard type
00470      * @param c         Vector of coefficients used to set the
00471      *                  parameters for the standard state.
00472      * @param minTemp   output - Minimum temperature
00473      * @param maxTemp   output - Maximum temperature
00474      * @param refPressure output - reference pressure (Pa).
00475      *
00476      */
00477     virtual void reportParams(int &kindex, int &type, doublereal * const c,
00478                               doublereal &minTemp, doublereal &maxTemp,
00479                               doublereal &refPressure) const;
00481     //@}
00484   private:
00486     //! Main routine that actually calculates the gibbs free energy difference 
00487     //! between the reference state at Tr, Pr and T,P
00488     /*!
00489      *  This is eEqn. 59 in Johnson et al. (1992).
00490      *
00491      */
00492     doublereal deltaG() const;
00494     //! Main routine that actually calculates the entropy difference 
00495     //! between the reference state at Tr, Pr and T,P
00496     /*!
00497      *  This is Eqn. 61 in Johnson et al. (1992). Actually, there appears to
00498      *  be an error in the latter. This is a correction.
00499      */
00500     doublereal deltaS() const;
00502 #ifdef DEBUG_MODE
00503     //! Routine that actually calculates the enthalpy difference 
00504     //! between the reference state at Tr, Pr and T,P
00505     /*!
00506      *  This is an extra routine that was added to check the arithmetic
00507      */
00508     doublereal deltaH() const;
00509 #endif
00511     //! Internal formula for the calculation of a_g()
00512     /*!
00513      * The output of this is in units of Angstroms
00514      *
00515      * @param temp Temperature (K)
00516      *
00517      * @param ifunc     parameters specifying the desired information
00518      *                 - 0 function value
00519      *                 - 1 derivative wrt temperature
00520      *                 - 2 2nd derivative wrt temperature
00521      *                 - 3 derivative wrt pressure
00522      */
00523     doublereal ag(const doublereal temp, const int ifunc = 0) const;
00525     //! Internal formula for the calculation of b_g()
00526     /*!
00527      * the output of this is unitless
00528      *
00529      * @param temp Temperature (K)
00530      *
00531      * @param ifunc     parameters specifying the desired information
00532      *                 - 0 function value
00533      *                 - 1 derivative wrt temperature
00534      *                 - 2 2nd derivative wrt temperature
00535      *                 - 3 derivative wrt pressure
00536      */
00537     doublereal bg(const doublereal temp, const int ifunc = 0) const;
00539     //!  function g appearing in the formulation
00540     /*!
00541      * Function g appearing in the Johnson et al formulation
00542      * 
00543      * @param temp      Temperature kelvin
00544      * @param pres      Pressure (pascal)
00545      * @param ifunc     parameters specifying the desired information
00546      *                 - 0 function value
00547      *                 - 1 derivative wrt temperature
00548      *                 - 2 2nd derivative wrt temperature
00549      *                 - 3 derivative wrt pressure
00550      */
00551     doublereal g(const doublereal temp, const doublereal pres, const int ifunc = 0) const;
00553     //! Difference function f appearing in the formulation
00554     /*!
00555      * Function f appearing in the Johnson et al formulation of omega_j
00556      *   Eqn. 33 ref
00557      * 
00558      * @param temp      Temperature kelvin
00559      * @param pres      Pressure (pascal)
00560      * @param ifunc     parameters specifying the desired information
00561      *                 - 0 function value
00562      *                 - 1 derivative wrt temperature
00563      *                 - 2 2nd derivative wrt temperature
00564      *                 - 3 derivative wrt pressure
00565      */
00566     doublereal f(const doublereal temp, const doublereal pres, const int ifunc = 0) const;
00568     //! Evaluate the Gstar value appearing in the HKFT formulation
00569     /*!
00570      * 
00571      * @param temp      Temperature kelvin
00572      * @param pres      Pressure (pascal)
00573      * @param ifunc     parameters specifying the desired information
00574      *                 - 0 function value
00575      *                 - 1 derivative wrt temperature
00576      *                 - 2 2nd derivative wrt temperature
00577      *                 - 3 derivative wrt pressure
00578      */
00579     doublereal gstar(const doublereal temp, const doublereal pres,
00580                      const int ifunc = 0) const;
00582     //!  Function to look up Element Free Energies
00583     /*!
00584      *
00585      *   This static function looks up the argument string in the
00586      *   element database  and returns the associated 298 K Gibbs Free energy
00587      *   of the element in its stable state
00588      *
00589      *  @param  elemName  String. Only the first 3 characters are significant
00590      *
00591      *  @return
00592      *    Return value contains the Gibbs free energy for that element
00593      *
00594      *  @exception CanteraError
00595      *    If a match is not found, a CanteraError is thrown as well
00596      */
00597     doublereal LookupGe(const std::string& elemName);
00599     //! Translate a Gibbs free energy of formation value to a NIST-based Chemical potential
00600     /*!
00601      *  Internally, this function is used to translate the input value, 
00602      *  m_deltaG_formation_tr_pr,
00603      *  to the internally storred value,  m_Mu0_tr_pr.
00604      */
00605     void convertDGFormation();
00607   private:
00608     //!  Water standard state calculator
00609     /*!
00610      *  derived from the equation of state for water.
00611      *  This object doesn't own the object. Just a shallow pointer.
00612      */
00613     PDSS_Water *m_waterSS;
00615     //! density of standard-state water
00616     /*!
00617      * internal temporary variable
00618      */
00619     mutable doublereal m_densWaterSS;
00621     //!  Pointer to the water property calculator
00622     WaterProps *m_waterProps;
00624     //! Born coefficient for the current ion or species
00625     doublereal m_born_coeff_j;
00627     //! Electrostatic radii
00628     doublereal m_r_e_j;
00630     //! Input value of deltaG of Formation at Tr and Pr    (cal gmol-1)
00631     /*!
00632      *  Tr = 298.15   Pr = 1 atm
00633      *
00634      *  This is the delta G for the formation reaction of the
00635      *  ion from elements in their stable state at Tr, Pr.
00636      */
00637     doublereal m_deltaG_formation_tr_pr;
00639     //!  Input value of deltaH of Formation at Tr and Pr    (cal gmol-1)
00640     /*!
00641      *  Tr = 298.15   Pr = 1 atm
00642      *
00643      *  This is the delta H for the formation reaction of the
00644      *  ion from elements in their stable state at Tr, Pr.
00645      */
00646     doublereal m_deltaH_formation_tr_pr;
00648     //! Value of the Absolute Gibbs Free Energy NIST scale at T_r and P_r
00649     /*!
00650      *  This is the NIST scale value of Gibbs free energy at T_r = 298.15
00651      *  and P_r = 1 atm.
00652      *
00653      *  J kmol-1
00654      */
00655     doublereal m_Mu0_tr_pr;
00657     //! Input value of S_j at Tr and Pr    (cal gmol-1 K-1)
00658     /*!
00659      *  Tr = 298.15   Pr = 1 atm
00660      */
00661     doublereal m_Entrop_tr_pr;
00663     //! Input a1 coefficient (cal gmol-1 bar-1)
00664     doublereal m_a1;
00666     //!  Input a2 coefficient (cal gmol-1)
00667     doublereal m_a2;
00669     //!  Input a3 coefficient (cal K gmol-1 bar-1)
00670     doublereal m_a3;
00672     //!  Input a4 coefficient (cal K gmol-1)
00673     doublereal m_a4;
00675     //!  Input c1 coefficient (cal gmol-1 K-1)
00676     doublereal m_c1;
00678     //!  Input c2 coefficient (cal K gmol-1)
00679     doublereal m_c2;
00681     //! Input  omega_pr_tr coefficient(cal gmol-1)
00682     doublereal m_omega_pr_tr;
00684     //! y = dZdT = 1/(esp*esp) desp/dT at 298.15 and 1 bar
00685     doublereal m_Y_pr_tr;
00687     //! Z = -1 / relEpsilon at 298.15 and 1 bar
00688     doublereal m_Z_pr_tr;
00690     //! Reference pressure is 1 atm in units of bar= 1.0132
00691     doublereal m_presR_bar;
00693     //! small value that is not quite zero
00694     doublereal m_domega_jdT_prtr;
00696     //! Charge of the ion
00697     doublereal m_charge_j;
00699   };
00701 }
00703 #endif
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