
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /**
00002  * @file SimpleThermo.h
00003  *   Header for the SimpleThermo (constant heat capacity) species reference-state model
00004  *   for multiple species in a phase, derived from the
00005  *   \link Cantera::SpeciesThermo SpeciesThermo\endlink base class (see \ref spthermo and
00006  *   \link Cantera::SimpleThermo SimpleThermo\endlink).
00007  */
00008 /*
00009  * $Id: SimpleThermo.h 279 2009-12-05 19:08:43Z hkmoffa $
00010  */
00012 #ifndef CT_SIMPLETHERMO_H
00013 #define CT_SIMPLETHERMO_H
00015 #include "SpeciesThermoMgr.h"
00017 namespace Cantera {
00019   /*!
00020    *  A constant-heat capacity species thermodynamic property manager class. 
00021    *  This makes the
00022    *  assumption that the heat capacity is a constant. Then, the following
00023    *  relations are used to complete the specification of the thermodynamic
00024    *  functions for each species in the phase.
00025    *
00026    * \f[
00027    *   \frac{c_p(T)}{R} = Cp0\_R
00028    * \f]
00029    * \f[
00030    *   \frac{h^0(T)}{RT} = \frac{1}{T} * (h0\_R + (T - T_0) * Cp0\_R)
00031    * \f]
00032    * \f[
00033    *   \frac{s^0(T)}{R} =  (s0\_R + (log(T) - log(T_0)) * Cp0\_R)
00034    * \f]
00035    *
00036    * This parameterization takes 4 input values. These are:
00037    *       -   c[0] = \f$ T_0 \f$(Kelvin)
00038    *       -   c[1] = \f$ H_k^o(T_0, p_{ref}) \f$ (J/kmol)
00039    *       -   c[2] = \f$ S_k^o(T_0, p_{ref}) \f$    (J/kmol K)
00040    *       -   c[3] = \f$ {Cp}_k^o(T_0, p_{ref}) \f$  (J(kmol K)
00041    *
00042    * All species must have the same reference pressure.
00043    * The single-species standard-state property Manager ConstCpPoly has the same
00044    * parameterization as the SimpleThermo class does.
00045    *
00046    * @see ConstCpPoly
00047    *
00048    * @ingroup mgrsrefcalc
00049    */
00050   class SimpleThermo : public SpeciesThermo {
00052   public:
00054     //! Initialized to the type of parameterization
00055     /*!A
00056      * Note, this value is used in some template functions. For this object the 
00057      * value is SIMPLE.
00058      */
00059     const int ID;
00061     //! Constructor
00062     SimpleThermo() :
00063       ID(SIMPLE),
00064       m_tlow_max(0.0), 
00065       m_thigh_min(1.e30),
00066       m_p0(-1.0),
00067       m_nspData(0) {}
00069     //! Destructor
00070     virtual ~SimpleThermo() {}
00072     //! Copy constructor
00073     /*!
00074      * @param right Object to be copied
00075      */
00076     SimpleThermo(const SimpleThermo &right) :
00077       ID(SIMPLE),
00078       m_tlow_max(0.0), 
00079       m_thigh_min(1.e30),
00080       m_p0(-1.0),
00081       m_nspData(0) {
00082       /*
00083        * Call the assignment operator
00084        */
00085       *this = operator=(right);
00086     }
00088     //! Assignment operator
00089     /*!
00090      * @param right Object to be copied
00091      */
00092     SimpleThermo& operator=(const SimpleThermo &right) {
00093       /*
00094        * Check for self assignment.
00095        */
00096       if (this == &right) return *this;
00098       m_loc          = right.m_loc;
00099       m_index        = right.m_index;
00100       m_tlow_max     = right.m_tlow_max;
00101       m_thigh_min    = right.m_thigh_min;
00102       m_tlow         = right.m_tlow;
00103       m_thigh        = right.m_thigh;
00104       m_t0           = right.m_t0;
00105       m_logt0        = right.m_logt0;
00106       m_h0_R         = right.m_h0_R;
00107       m_s0_R         = right.m_s0_R;
00108       m_cp0_R        = right.m_cp0_R;
00109       m_p0           = right.m_p0;
00110       m_nspData      = right.m_nspData;
00112       return *this;
00113     }
00115     //! Duplication routine for objects which inherit from 
00116     //! %SpeciesThermo
00117     /*!
00118      *  This virtual routine can be used to duplicate %SpeciesThermo  objects
00119      *  inherited from %SpeciesThermo even if the application only has
00120      *  a pointer to %SpeciesThermo to work with.
00121      *  ->commented out because we first need to add copy constructors
00122      *   and assignment operators to all of the derived classes.
00123      */
00124     virtual SpeciesThermo *duplMyselfAsSpeciesThermo() const {
00125       SimpleThermo *nt = new SimpleThermo(*this);
00126       return (SpeciesThermo *) nt;
00127     }
00129     //! Install a new species thermodynamic property
00130     //! parameterization for one species.  
00131     /*!
00132      *
00133      * @param name      String name of the species
00134      * @param index     Species index, k
00135      * @param type      int flag specifying the type of parameterization to be
00136      *                 installed. 
00137      * @param c        Vector of coefficients for the parameterization. 
00138      *                 There are 4 coefficients. The values (and units) are the following
00139      *       -   c[0] = \f$ T_0 \f$(Kelvin)
00140      *       -   c[1] = \f$ H_k^o(T_0, p_{ref}) \f$ (J/kmol)
00141      *       -   c[2] = \f$ S_k^o(T_0, p_{ref}) \f$    (J/kmol K)
00142      *       -   c[3] = \f$ {Cp}_k^o(T_0, p_{ref}) \f$  (J(kmol K)
00143      *
00144      * @param minTemp  minimum temperature for which this parameterization
00145      *                 is valid.
00146      * @param maxTemp  maximum temperature for which this parameterization
00147      *                 is valid.
00148      * @param refPressure standard-state pressure for this 
00149      *                    parameterization. 
00150      *
00151      * @see ConstCpPoly
00152      */
00153     virtual void install(string name, int index, int type, 
00154                          const doublereal* c,
00155                          doublereal minTemp, doublereal maxTemp, doublereal refPressure) {
00156       //writelog("installing const_cp for species "+name+"\n");
00157       m_logt0.push_back(log(c[0]));
00158       m_t0.push_back(c[0]);
00159       m_h0_R.push_back(c[1]/GasConstant);
00160       m_s0_R.push_back(c[2]/GasConstant);
00161       m_cp0_R.push_back(c[3]/GasConstant);
00162       m_index.push_back(index);
00163       m_loc[index] = m_nspData;
00164       m_nspData++;
00165       doublereal tlow  = minTemp;
00166       doublereal thigh = maxTemp;
00168       if (tlow > m_tlow_max)    m_tlow_max = tlow;
00169       if (thigh < m_thigh_min)  m_thigh_min = thigh;
00171       if ((int) m_tlow.size() < index + 1) {
00172         m_tlow.resize(index + 1,  tlow);
00173         m_thigh.resize(index + 1, thigh);
00174       }
00175       m_tlow[index] = tlow;
00176       m_thigh[index] = thigh;
00178       if (m_p0 < 0.0) {
00179         m_p0 = refPressure;
00180       } else if (fabs(m_p0 - refPressure) > 0.1) {
00181         string logmsg =  " WARNING SimpleThermo: New Species, " + name +  
00182           ", has a different reference pressure, "
00183           + fp2str(refPressure) + ", than existing reference pressure, "        + fp2str(m_p0) + "\n";
00184         writelog(logmsg);
00185         logmsg = "                  This may become a fatal error in the future \n";
00186         writelog(logmsg);
00187       }
00188       m_p0 = refPressure;
00189     }
00191     //! Install a new species thermodynamic property
00192     //! parameterization for one species.
00193     /*!
00194      * @param stit_ptr Pointer to the SpeciesThermoInterpType object
00195      *          This will set up the thermo for one species
00196      */
00197     virtual void install_STIT(SpeciesThermoInterpType *stit_ptr) {
00198       throw CanteraError("install_STIT", "not implemented");
00199     }
00201     //! Compute the reference-state properties for all species.
00202     /*!
00203      * Given temperature T in K, this method updates the values of
00204      * the non-dimensional heat capacity at constant pressure,
00205      * enthalpy, and entropy, at the reference pressure, Pref
00206      * of each of the standard states.
00207      *
00208      * @param t       Temperature (Kelvin)
00209      * @param cp_R    Vector of Dimensionless heat capacities.
00210      *                (length m_kk).
00211      * @param h_RT    Vector of Dimensionless enthalpies.
00212      *                (length m_kk).
00213      * @param s_R     Vector of Dimensionless entropies.
00214      *                (length m_kk).
00215      */
00216     virtual void update(doublereal t, doublereal* cp_R, 
00217                         doublereal* h_RT, doublereal* s_R) const {
00218       int k, ki;
00219       doublereal logt = log(t);
00220       doublereal rt = 1.0/t;
00221       for (k = 0; k < m_nspData; k++) {
00222         ki = m_index[k];
00223         cp_R[ki] = m_cp0_R[k];
00224         h_RT[ki] = rt*(m_h0_R[k] + (t - m_t0[k]) * m_cp0_R[k]);
00225         s_R[ki] = m_s0_R[k] + m_cp0_R[k] * (logt - m_logt0[k]);
00226       }
00227     }
00229     //! Like update(), but only updates the single species k.
00230     /*!
00231      * @param k       species index
00232      * @param t       Temperature (Kelvin)
00233      * @param cp_R    Vector of Dimensionless heat capacities.
00234      *                (length m_kk).
00235      * @param h_RT    Vector of Dimensionless enthalpies.
00236      *                (length m_kk).
00237      * @param s_R     Vector of Dimensionless entropies.
00238      *                (length m_kk).
00239      */
00240     virtual void update_one(int k, doublereal t, doublereal* cp_R, 
00241                             doublereal* h_RT, doublereal* s_R) const {
00242       doublereal logt = log(t);
00243       doublereal rt = 1.0/t;
00244       int loc = m_loc[k];
00245       cp_R[k] = m_cp0_R[loc];
00246       h_RT[k] = rt*(m_h0_R[loc] + (t - m_t0[loc]) * m_cp0_R[loc]);
00247       s_R[k] = m_s0_R[loc] + m_cp0_R[loc] * (logt - m_logt0[loc]);
00248     }
00250     //! Minimum temperature.
00251     /*!
00252      * If no argument is supplied, this
00253      * method returns the minimum temperature for which \e all
00254      * parameterizations are valid. If an integer index k is
00255      * supplied, then the value returned is the minimum
00256      * temperature for species k in the phase.
00257      *
00258      * @param k    Species index
00259      */ 
00260     virtual doublereal minTemp(int k=-1) const {
00261       if (k < 0)
00262         return m_tlow_max;
00263       else
00264         return m_tlow[m_loc[k]];
00265     }
00267     //! Maximum temperature.
00268     /*!
00269      * If no argument is supplied, this
00270      * method returns the maximum temperature for which \e all
00271      * parameterizations are valid. If an integer index k is
00272      * supplied, then the value returned is the maximum
00273      * temperature for parameterization k.
00274      *
00275      * @param k  Species Index
00276      */
00277     virtual doublereal maxTemp(int k=-1) const {
00278       if (k < 0)
00279         return m_thigh_min;
00280       else
00281         return m_thigh[m_loc[k]];
00282     }
00284     //! The reference-state pressure for species k.
00285     /*!
00286      *
00287      * returns the reference state pressure in Pascals for
00288      * species k. If k is left out of the argument list,
00289      * it returns the reference state pressure for the first
00290      * species.
00291      * Note that some SpeciesThermo implementations, such
00292      * as those for ideal gases, require that all species
00293      * in the same phase have the same reference state pressures.
00294      *
00295      * @param k Species Index
00296      */
00297     virtual doublereal refPressure(int k=-1) const {return m_p0;}
00299     //! This utility function reports the type of parameterization
00300     //! used for the species with index number index.
00301     /*!
00302      *
00303      * @param index  Species index
00304      */
00305     virtual int reportType(int index) const { return SIMPLE; }
00307     /*!
00308      * This utility function reports back the type of 
00309      * parameterization and all of the parameters for the 
00310      * species, index.
00311      *
00312      * @param index     Species index
00313      * @param type      Integer type of the standard type
00314      * @param c         Vector of coefficients used to set the
00315      *                  parameters for the standard state.
00316      *                  For the SimpleThermo object, there are 4 coefficients.
00317      * @param minTemp   output - Minimum temperature
00318      * @param maxTemp   output - Maximum temperature
00319      * @param refPressure output - reference pressure (Pa).
00320      *
00321      */
00322     virtual void reportParams(int index, int &type, 
00323                               doublereal * const c, 
00324                               doublereal &minTemp, 
00325                               doublereal &maxTemp, 
00326                               doublereal &refPressure) const {
00327       type = reportType(index);
00328       int loc = m_loc[index];
00329       if (type == SIMPLE) {
00330         c[0] = m_t0[loc];
00331         c[1] = m_h0_R[loc] * GasConstant;
00332         c[2] = m_s0_R[loc] * GasConstant;
00333         c[3] = m_cp0_R[loc] * GasConstant;
00334         minTemp = m_tlow[loc];
00335         maxTemp = m_thigh[loc];
00336         refPressure = m_p0;
00337       }
00338     }
00340     //! Modify parameters for the standard state
00341     /*!
00342      * The thermo parameterization for a single species is overwritten.
00343      *
00344      * @param index Species index
00345      * @param c     Vector of coefficients used to set the
00346      *              parameters for the standard state.
00347      *              Must be length >= 4.
00348      */
00349     virtual void modifyParams(int index, doublereal *c) {
00350       int loc = m_loc[index];
00351       if (loc < 0) {
00352         throw CanteraError("SimpleThermo::modifyParams",
00353                            "modifying parameters for species which hasn't been set yet");
00354       }
00355       /*
00356        * Change the data
00357        */
00358       m_t0[loc]    = c[0];
00359       m_h0_R[loc]  = c[1] / GasConstant;
00360       m_s0_R[loc]  = c[2] / GasConstant;
00361       m_cp0_R[loc] = c[3] / GasConstant;
00362     }
00364 #ifdef H298MODIFY_CAPABILITY
00366     virtual doublereal reportOneHf298(int k) const {
00367       throw CanteraError("reportHF298", "unimplemented");
00368     }
00370     virtual void modifyOneHf298(const int k, const doublereal Hf298New) {
00371       throw CanteraError("reportHF298", "unimplemented");
00372     }
00375 #endif
00376   protected:
00378     //! Mapping between the species index and the vector index where the coefficients are kept
00379     /*!
00380      * This object doesn't have a one-to one correspondence between the species index, kspec,
00381      * and the data location index,indexData, m_cp0_R[indexData].
00382      * This index keeps track of it.
00383      *      indexData = m_loc[kspec]
00384      */
00385     mutable map<int, int>              m_loc;
00387     //! Map between the vector index where the coefficients are kept and the species index
00388     /*!
00389      * Length is equal to the number of dataPoints.
00390      * kspec = m_index[indexData]
00391      */
00392     vector_int                 m_index;
00394     //! Maximum value of the low temperature limit 
00395     doublereal                 m_tlow_max;
00397     //! Minimum value of the high temperature limit
00398     doublereal                 m_thigh_min;
00400     //! Vector of low temperature limits (species index)
00401     /*!
00402      * Length is equal to number of data points
00403      */
00404     vector_fp                  m_tlow;
00406     //! Vector of low temperature limits (species index)
00407     /*!
00408      * Length is equal to number of data points
00409      */
00410     vector_fp                  m_thigh;
00412     //! Vector of base temperatures (kelvin)
00413     /*!
00414      * Length is equal to the number of species data points
00415      */
00416     vector_fp                  m_t0;
00418     //! Vector of base log temperatures (kelvin)
00419     /*!
00420      * Length is equal to the number of species data points
00421      */
00422     vector_fp                  m_logt0;
00424     //! Vector of base dimensionless Enthalpies 
00425     /*!
00426      * Length is equal to the number of species data points
00427      */
00428     vector_fp                  m_h0_R;
00430     //! Vector of base dimensionless Entropies 
00431     /*!
00432      * Length is equal to the number of species data points
00433      */
00434     vector_fp                  m_s0_R;
00436     //! Vector of base dimensionless heat capacities
00437     /*!
00438      * Length is equal to the number of species data points
00439      */
00440     vector_fp                  m_cp0_R;
00442     //! Reference pressure (Pa)
00443     /*!
00444      * all species must have the same reference pressure.
00445      */
00446     doublereal                 m_p0;
00448     //! Number of species data points in the object. 
00449     /*!
00450      * This is less than or equal to the number of species in the phase.
00451      */
00452     int                        m_nspData;
00454   };
00456 }
00458 #endif
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