
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /**
00002  *  @file State.h Header for the class State, that manages the
00003  * independent variables of temperature, mass density, and species
00004  * mass/mole fraction that define the thermodynamic state (see \ref
00005  * phases and class \link Cantera::State State\endlink).
00006  */
00008 /*
00009  *  $Date: 2009-12-09 12:29:23 -0500 (Wed, 09 Dec 2009) $
00010  *  $Revision: 306 $
00011  *
00012  *  Copyright 2001-2003 California Institute of Technology
00013  *  See file License.txt for licensing information
00014  *
00015  */
00017 #ifndef CT_STATE2_H
00018 #define CT_STATE2_H
00020 #include "ct_defs.h"
00021 #include "utilities.h"
00023 #ifdef WIN32
00024 #pragma warning(disable:4996)
00025 #endif
00027 namespace Cantera {
00030   //! Manages the independent variables of temperature, mass density,
00031   //! and species mass/mole fraction that define the thermodynamic
00032   //! state.
00033   /*!
00034    * Class State stores just enough information about a
00035    * multicomponent solution to specify its intensive thermodynamic
00036    * state.  It stores values for the temperature, mass density, and
00037    * an array of species mass fractions. It also stores an array of
00038    * species molecular weights, which are used to convert between
00039    * mole and mass representations of the composition. These are the
00040    * \e only properties of the species that class State knows about.
00041    * For efficiency in mass/mole conversion, the vector of mass
00042    * fractions divided by molecular weight \f$ Y_k/M_k \f$ is also
00043    * stored.
00044    *
00045    * Class State is not usually used directly in application
00046    * programs. Its primary use is as a base class for class
00047    * Phase. Class State has no virtual methods, and none of its
00048    * methods are meant to be overloaded. However, this is one exception.
00049    *  If the phase is incompressible, then the density must be replaced
00050    *  by the pressure as the independent variable. In this case, functions
00051    *  such as setMassFraction within the class %State must actually now
00052    *  calculate the density (at constant T and P) instead of leaving
00053    *  it alone as befits an independent variable. Threfore, these type
00054    *  of functions are virtual functions and need to be overloaded 
00055    *  for incompressible phases. Note, for almost incompressible phases
00056    *  (or phases which utilize standard states based on a T and P) this
00057    *  may be advantageous as well, and they need to overload these functions
00058    *  too. 
00059    *
00060    * @ingroup phases
00061    */
00062   class State {
00064   public:
00066     /**
00067      * Constructor. 
00068      */
00069     State();
00071     /**
00072      * Destructor. Since no memory is allocated by methods of this
00073      * class, the destructor does nothing.
00074      */
00075     virtual ~State();
00077     /**
00078      * Copy Constructor for the State Class
00079      *
00080      * @param right   Reference to the class to be copied.
00081      */
00082     State(const State& right);
00084     /**
00085      * Assignment operator for the state class.
00086      *
00087      * @param right   Reference to the class to be copied.
00088      */
00089     State& operator=(const State& right);
00092     /// @name Species Information
00093     ///
00094     /// The only thing class State knows about the species is their
00095     /// molecular weights.
00096     //@{        
00098     /// Return a read-only reference to the array of molecular
00099     /// weights.
00100     const array_fp& molecularWeights() const { return m_molwts; }
00103     //@}
00104     /// @name Composition
00105     //@{
00108     //! Get the species mole fraction vector.
00109     /*!
00110      * @param x On return, x contains the mole fractions. Must have a
00111      *          length greater than or equal to the number of species.
00112      */
00113     void getMoleFractions(doublereal* const x) const;
00116     //! The mole fraction of species k.
00117     /*!
00118      *   If k is ouside the valid
00119      *   range, an exception will be thrown. Note that it is
00120      *   somewhat more efficent to call getMoleFractions if the
00121      *   mole fractions of all species are desired.
00122      *   @param k species index
00123      */
00124     doublereal moleFraction(const int k) const;
00127     //! Set the mole fractions to the specified values, and then 
00128     //! normalize them so that they sum to 1.0.
00129     /*!
00130      * @param x Array of unnormalized mole fraction values (input). 
00131      *          Must have a length greater than or equal to the number of
00132      *          species.
00133      *
00134      * @param x  Input vector of mole fractions. There is no restriction
00135      *           on the sum of the mole fraction vector. Internally,
00136      *           the State object will normalize this vector before
00137      *           storring its contents.
00138      *           Length is m_kk.
00139      */
00140     virtual void setMoleFractions(const doublereal* const x);
00142     /**
00143      * Set the mole fractions to the specified values without
00144      * normalizing. This is useful when the normalization
00145      * condition is being handled by some other means, for example
00146      * by a constraint equation as part of a larger set of
00147      * equations.
00148      *
00149      * @param x  Input vector of mole fractions.
00150      *           Length is m_kk.
00151      */
00152     virtual void setMoleFractions_NoNorm(const doublereal* const x);
00154     /**
00155      * Get the species mass fractions.  
00156      * @param y On return, y
00157      * contains the mass fractions. Array \a y must have a length
00158      * greater than or equal to the number of species.
00159      *
00160      * @param y  Output vector of mass fractions.
00161      *           Length is m_kk. 
00162      */
00163     void getMassFractions(doublereal* const y) const;
00165     //! Mass fraction of species k. 
00166     /*!
00167      *  If k is outside the valid
00168      *  range, an exception will be thrown. Note that it is
00169      *  somewhat more efficent to call getMassFractions if the
00170      *   mass fractions of all species are desired.
00171      * 
00172      * @param k    species index
00173      */
00174     doublereal massFraction(const int k) const;
00176     /**
00177      * Set the mass fractions to the specified values, and then 
00178      * normalize them so that they sum to 1.0.
00179      * @param y Array of unnormalized mass fraction values (input). 
00180      * Must have a length greater than or equal to the number of
00181      * species.
00182      *
00183      * @param y  Input vector of mass fractions. There is no restriction
00184      *           on the sum of the mass fraction vector. Internally,
00185      *           the State object will normalize this vector before
00186      *           storring its contents.
00187      *           Length is m_kk.
00188      */
00189     virtual void setMassFractions(const doublereal* const y);
00191     /**
00192      * Set the mass fractions to the specified values without
00193      * normalizing. This is useful when the normalization
00194      * condition is being handled by some other means, for example
00195      * by a constraint equation as part of a larger set of
00196      * equations.
00197      *
00198      * @param y  Input vector of mass fractions.
00199      *           Length is m_kk.
00200      */
00201     virtual void setMassFractions_NoNorm(const doublereal* const y);
00203     /**
00204      * Get the species concentrations (kmol/m^3).  @param c On
00205      * return, \a c contains the concentrations for all species.
00206      * Array \a c must have a length greater than or equal to the
00207      * number of species.
00208      */
00209     void getConcentrations(doublereal* const c) const;
00211     /**
00212      * Concentration of species k. If k is outside the valid
00213      * range, an exception will be thrown.
00214      *
00215      * @param  k Index of species
00216      */
00217     doublereal concentration(const int k) const;
00219     //! Set the concentrations to the specified values within the
00220     //! phase. 
00221     /*!
00222      * We set the concentrations here and therefore we set the
00223      * overall density of the phase. We hold the temperature constant
00224      * during this operation. Therefore, we have possibly changed
00225      * the pressure of the phase by calling this routine.
00226      *
00227      * @param conc The input vector to this routine is in dimensional
00228      *          units. For volumetric phases c[k] is the
00229      *          concentration of the kth species in kmol/m3.
00230      *          For surface phases, c[k] is the concentration
00231      *          in kmol/m2. The length of the vector is the number
00232      *          of species in the phase.
00233      */
00234     virtual void setConcentrations(const doublereal* const conc);
00236     //! Returns a read-only pointer to the start of the
00237     //! massFraction array
00238     /*!
00239      *  The pointer returned is readonly
00240      *  @return  returns a pointer to a vector of doubles of length m_kk.
00241      */
00242     const doublereal* massFractions() const {
00243       return &m_y[0]; 
00244     }
00246     /**
00247      * Returns a read-only pointer to the start of the
00248      * moleFraction/MW array.  This array is the array of mole
00249      * fractions, each divided by the mean molecular weight.
00250      */
00251     const doublereal* moleFractdivMMW() const;
00253     //@}
00255     /// @name Mean Properties
00256     //@{
00257     /**
00258      * Evaluate the mole-fraction-weighted mean of Q:
00259      * \f[ \sum_k X_k Q_k. \f]
00260      * Array Q should contain pure-species molar property 
00261      * values.
00262      *
00263      * @param Q input vector of length m_kk that is to be averaged.
00264      * @return
00265      *   mole-freaction-weighted mean of Q
00266      */
00267     doublereal mean_X(const doublereal* const Q) const;
00269     /**
00270      * Evaluate the mass-fraction-weighted mean of Q:
00271      * \f[ \sum_k Y_k Q_k \f]
00272      *
00273      * @param Q  Array Q contains a vector of species property values in mass units.
00274      * @return
00275      *     Return value containing the  mass-fraction-weighted mean of Q.
00276      */        
00277     doublereal mean_Y(const doublereal* const Q) const;
00279     /**
00280      * The mean molecular weight. Units: (kg/kmol)
00281      */
00282     doublereal meanMolecularWeight() const {
00283       return m_mmw; 
00284     }
00286     //! Evaluate \f$ \sum_k X_k \log X_k \f$.
00287     /*!
00288      * @return
00289      *     returns the indicated sum. units are dimensionless.
00290      */
00291     doublereal sum_xlogx() const;
00293     //! Evaluate \f$ \sum_k X_k \log Q_k \f$.
00294     /*!
00295      *  @param Q Vector of length m_kk to take the log average of
00296      *  @return Returns the indicated sum.
00297      */
00298     doublereal sum_xlogQ(doublereal* const Q) const;
00299     //@}
00301     /// @name Thermodynamic Properties
00302     /// Class State only stores enough thermodynamic data to
00303     /// specify the state. In addition to composition information, 
00304     /// it stores the temperature and
00305     /// mass density. 
00306     //@{
00308     /// Temperature (K).
00309     doublereal temperature() const { 
00310       return m_temp;
00311     }
00313     /// Density (kg/m^3).
00314     virtual doublereal density() const { 
00315       return m_dens;
00316     }
00318     /// Molar density (kmol/m^3).
00319     doublereal molarDensity() const;
00321     //! Set the internally storred density (kg/m^3) of the phase
00322     /*!
00323      * Note the density of a phase is an indepedent variable.
00324      * 
00325      * @param density Input density (kg/m^3).
00326      */
00327     virtual void setDensity(const doublereal density) {
00328       m_dens = density;
00329     }
00331     //! Set the internally storred molar density (kmol/m^3) of the phase.
00332     /*!
00333      * @param molarDensity   Input molar density (kmol/m^3).
00334      */
00335     virtual void setMolarDensity(const doublereal molarDensity);
00337     //! Set the temperature (K).
00338     /*!
00339      * This function sets the internally storred temperature of the phase.
00340      *
00341      * @param temp Temperature in kelvin
00342      */
00343     virtual void setTemperature(const doublereal temp) {
00344       m_temp = temp;
00345     }
00346     //@}
00348     //! True if the number species has been set
00349     bool ready() const;
00351     //! Every time the mole fractions have changed, this routine
00352     //! will increment the stateMFNumber
00353     /*!
00354      *  @param forceChange If this is true then the stateMFNumber always
00355      *                     changes. This defaults to false.
00356      */
00357     void stateMFChangeCalc(bool forceChange = false);
00359     //! Return the state number
00360     int stateMFNumber() const;
00362   protected:
00364     /**
00365      * @internal 
00366      * Initialize. Make a local copy of the vector of
00367      * molecular weights, and resize the composition arrays to
00368      * the appropriate size. The only information an instance of
00369      * State has about the species is their molecular weights. 
00370      *
00371      * @param mw Vector of molecular weights of the species.
00372      */
00373     void init(const array_fp& mw); //, density_is_independent = true);
00375     /**
00376      * m_kk is the number of species in the phase
00377      */
00378     int m_kk;
00380     //! Set the molecular weight of a single species to a given value
00381     /*!
00382      * @param k       id of the species
00383      * @param mw      Molecular Weight (kg kmol-1)
00384      */
00385     void setMolecularWeight(const int k, const double mw) {
00386       m_molwts[k] = mw;
00387       m_rmolwts[k] = 1.0/mw;
00388     }
00390   private:
00392     /**
00393      * Temperature. This is an independent variable 
00394      * units = Kelvin
00395      */
00396     doublereal m_temp;
00398     /**
00399      * Density.   This is an independent variable except in
00400      *            the incompressible degenerate case. Thus,
00401      *            the pressure is determined from this variable
00402      *            not the other way round.
00403      * units = kg m-3
00404      */
00405     doublereal m_dens;
00407     /**
00408      * m_mmw is the mean molecular weight of the mixture
00409      * (kg kmol-1)
00410      */
00411     doublereal m_mmw;
00413     /**
00414      *  m_ym[k] = mole fraction of species k divided by the
00415      *            mean molecular weight of mixture.
00416      */
00417     mutable array_fp m_ym;
00419     /**
00420      * m_y[k]  = mass fraction of species k
00421      */
00422     mutable array_fp m_y;
00424     /**
00425      * m_molwts[k] = molecular weight of species k (kg kmol-1)
00426      */
00427     array_fp m_molwts;
00429     /**
00430      *  m_rmolwts[k] = inverse of the molecular weight of species k
00431      *  units = kmol kg-1.
00432      */
00433     array_fp m_rmolwts;
00435     //! State Change variable
00436     /*!
00437      * Whenever the mole fraction vector changes, this int is 
00438      * incremented.
00439      */
00440     int m_stateNum;
00442   };
00444   //! Return the State Mole Fraction Number
00445   inline int State::stateMFNumber() const {
00446     return m_stateNum;
00447   }
00449 }
00451 #endif
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