
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /**
00002  * @file ctexceptions.h
00003  *   Definitions for the classes that are
00004  *   thrown when %Cantera experiences an error condition 
00005  *   (also contains errorhandling module text - see \ref errorhandling).
00006  */
00008 /*
00009  *  $Date: 2010-01-03 19:46:26 -0500 (Sun, 03 Jan 2010) $
00010  *  $Revision: 368 $
00011  */
00013 // Copyright 2001  California Institute of Technology
00015 #ifndef CT_CTEXCEPTIONS_H
00016 #define CT_CTEXCEPTIONS_H
00018 #include <string>
00019 #include <exception>
00021 // See file misc.cpp for implementations of methods/functions declared
00022 // here.
00024 namespace Cantera {
00026     /*!
00027      * @defgroup errorhandling Error Handling
00028      *
00029      * \brief These classes and related functions are used to handle errors and 
00030      *        unknown events within Cantera.
00031      * 
00032      *  The general idea is that exceptions are thrown using the common
00033      *  base class called CanteraError. Derived types of CanteraError
00034      *  characterize what type of error is thrown. A list of all
00035      *  of the thrown errors is kept in the Application class. 
00036      *
00037      *  Any exceptions which are not caught cause a fatal error exit
00038      *  from the program.
00039      *
00040      *  Below is an example of how to catch errors that throw the CanteraError class.
00041      *  In general, all Cantera C++ programs will have this basic structure.
00042      * 
00043      *  \include edemo.cpp
00044      *
00045      *  The function showErrors() will print out the fatal error
00046      *  condition to standard output.
00047      *
00048      *  A group of defines may be used during debugging to assert
00049      *  conditions which should be true. These are named AssertTrace(),
00050      *  AssertThrow(), and AssertThrowMsg().  Examples of their usage is
00051      *  given below.
00052      *
00053      * @code
00054      *       AssertTrace(p == OneAtm);
00055      *       AssertThrow(p == OneAtm, "Kinetics::update");
00056      *       AssertThrowMsg(p == OneAtm, "Kinetics::update", 
00057      *                    "Algorithm limited to atmospheric pressure");
00058      * @endcode
00059      *
00060      *  Their first argument is a boolean. If the boolean is not true, a
00061      *  CanteraError is thrown, with descriptive information indicating
00062      *  where the error occured. These functions may be eliminated from
00063      *  the source code, if the -DNDEBUG option is specified to the
00064      *  compiler.
00065      *
00066      */
00069     //! Base class for exceptions thrown by Cantera classes.
00070     /*!
00071      * This class is the base class for exceptions thrown by Cantera.
00072      * It inherits from std::exception so that normal error handling
00073      * operations from applications may automatically handle the
00074      * errors in their own way.
00075      *
00076      * @ingroup errorhandling
00077      */
00078     class CanteraError : public std::exception {
00079     public:
00080         //! Normal Constructor for the CanteraError base class
00081         /*!
00082          * This class doesn't have any storage associated with it. In its
00083          * constructor, a call to the Application class is made to store
00084          * the strings associated with the generated error condition.
00085          *
00086          * @param procedure String name for the function within which the error was
00087          *             generated.
00088          * @param msg  Descriptive string describing the type of error message.
00089          */
00090         CanteraError(std::string procedure, std::string msg);
00092         //! Destructor for base class does nothing
00093         virtual ~CanteraError() throw() {}
00094     protected:
00095         //! Empty base constructor is made protected so that it may be used only by 
00096         //! inherited classes.
00097         /*!
00098          *  We want to discourage throwing an error containing no information.
00099          */
00100         CanteraError() {}
00101     };
00103     //! Array size error.
00104     /*!
00105      *  This error is thrown if a supplied length to a vector supplied
00106      *  to Cantera is too small.
00107      *
00108      * @ingroup errorhandling
00109      */
00110     class ArraySizeError : public CanteraError {
00111     public:
00112         //! Constructor
00113         /*!
00114          * The length needed is supplied by the argument, reqd, and the
00115          * length supplied is given by the argument sz.
00116          *
00117          * @param procedure String name for the function within which the error was
00118          *             generated.
00119          * @param sz   This is the length supplied to Cantera.
00120          * @param reqd This is the required length needed by Cantera
00121          */
00122         ArraySizeError(std::string procedure, int sz, int reqd);
00123     };
00125     //! An element index is out of range.
00126     /*!
00127      *
00128      * @ingroup errorhandling
00129      */
00130     class ElementRangeError : public CanteraError {
00131     public:
00132         //! Constructor
00133         /*!
00134          * This class indicates an out-of-bounds index.
00135          *
00136          * @param func String name for the function within which the error was
00137          *             generated.
00138          * @param m   This is the value of the out-of-bounds index.
00139          * @param mmax This is the maximum allowed value of the index. The
00140          *             minimum allowed value is assumed to be 0.
00141          */
00142         ElementRangeError(std::string func, int m, int mmax);
00143     };
00145     //! Print a warning when a deprecated method is called.
00146     /*!
00147      * These methods are slated to go away in future releases of Cantera.
00148      * The developer should work towards eliminating the use of these
00149      * methods in the near future.
00150      *
00151      * @param classnm Class the method belongs to
00152      * @param oldnm Name of the deprecated method
00153      * @param newnm Name of the method users should use instead
00154      *
00155      * @ingroup errorhandling
00156      */
00157     void deprecatedMethod(std::string classnm, std::string oldnm, std::string newnm);
00159     //! Throw an error condition for a procedure that has been removed.
00160     /*!
00161      *  
00162      * @param func String name for the function within which the error was
00163      *             generated.
00164      * @param version Version of Cantera that first removed this function.
00165      *
00166      * @ingroup errorhandling 
00167      */
00168     void removeAtVersion(std::string func, std::string version);
00170     //! Provides a line number
00171 #define XSTR_TRACE_LINE(s) STR_TRACE_LINE(s)
00173     //! Provides a line number
00174 #define STR_TRACE_LINE(s) #s  
00176     //! Provides a std::string variable containing the file and line number
00177     /*!
00178      *   This is a std:string containing the file name and the line number
00179      */
00180 #define STR_TRACE   (std::string(__FILE__) +  ":" + XSTR_TRACE_LINE(__LINE__))
00182 #ifdef NDEBUG
00183 #ifndef AssertTrace
00184 #  define AssertTrace(expr)                        ((void) (0))
00185 #endif
00186 #ifndef AssertThrow
00187 #  define AssertThrow(expr, procedure)             ((void) (0))
00188 #endif
00189 #ifndef AssertThrowMsg
00190 #  define AssertThrowMsg(expr,procedure, message)  ((void) (0))
00191 #endif
00192 #else
00194     //! Assertion must be true or an error is thrown
00195     /*!
00196      * Assertion must be true or else a CanteraError is thrown. A diagnostic string containing the
00197      * file and line number,  indicating where the error 
00198      * occured is added to the thrown object.
00199      *
00200      * @param expr  Boolean expression that must be true
00201      *
00202      * @ingroup errorhandling
00203      */
00204 #ifndef AssertTrace
00205 #  define AssertTrace(expr)  ((expr) ? (void) 0 : throw Cantera::CanteraError(STR_TRACE, std::string("failed assert: ") + #expr))
00206 #endif
00208     //!  Assertion must be true or an error is thrown
00209     /*!
00210      * Assertion must be true or else a CanteraError is thrown. A diagnostic string indicating where the error 
00211      * occured is added to the thrown object.
00212      *
00213      * @param expr  Boolean expression that must be true
00214      * @param procedure  Character string or std:string expression indicating the procedure where the assertion failed
00215      * @ingroup errorhandling
00216      */
00217 #ifndef AssertThrow
00218 #  define AssertThrow(expr, procedure)   ((expr) ? (void) 0 : throw Cantera::CanteraError(procedure, std::string("failed assert: ") + #expr))
00219 #endif
00221     //!  Assertion must be true or an error is thrown
00222     /*!
00223      * Assertion must be true or else a CanteraError is thrown. A
00224      * diagnostic string indicating where the error occured is added
00225      * to the thrown object.
00226      *
00227      * @param expr  Boolean expression that must be true
00228      * @param procedure  Character string or std:string expression indicating 
00229      *                   the procedure where the assertion failed
00230      * @param message  Character string or std:string expression contaiing 
00231      *    a descriptive message is added to the thrown error condition.
00232      *
00233      * @ingroup errorhandling
00234      */
00235 #ifndef AssertThrowMsg
00236 #  define AssertThrowMsg(expr, procedure, message)  ((expr) ? (void) 0 : throw Cantera::CanteraError(procedure + std::string(": at failed assert: \"") + std::string(#expr) + std::string("\""), message))
00237 #endif
00241 #endif
00243 }
00245 #endif
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