function [t,v]=getdata(s_file); % getdata.m % Usage: [t,v]=getdata(filename), the filename is a string in quotes % This is a matlab function that takes a data file collected % by Labview, displays the data % and then assigns the variable t to the time track and % the variable v to the voltage track. % % Note that t is a nx1 vector and v is a nxm matrix where % n is the number of data point and m is the number of channels % % Usage: t and v are the output time and voltages eval(s_file); %assign variables string=sprintf('t=t_%s;',s_file); eval(string); string=sprintf('v=v_%s;',s_file); eval(string); %clear original variables string=sprintf('clear t_%s',s_file); eval(string); string=sprintf('clear v_%s',s_file); eval(string); string=sprintf('clear ch_%s dt_%s fs_%s n_%s',s_file,s_file,s_file,s_file); eval(string); clear string s_file; t=t';