
Understand how the course material can assist in a product development project, by developing a working prototype for your design project.


A final 10 minute presentation to the group on the project, including:

  1. the important needs,
  2. how the current product is less effective at satisfying them,
  3. how you satisfy them as a VersaPak portfolio member.

Also, you must turn in a single report for your whole group. This should include:

  1. for virtual modeling projects, your model optimal solution complete with a CAD printout, for at least the following scenarios:
  2. for experimental modeling projects, your model optimal solution working in hardware, as well as:

Work Required

As a part of this, I would expect you to do different things depending upon the path you choose to take.  For those who choose to take a virtual modeling approach:

  1. Implement your analytical models in a spreadsheet workbook, similar to the grinder workbook done in class.
  2. Make use of the solver as is possible, and manual optimization as might be required.
  3. Use Solidworks to visualize the result.

For those who choose to take an experimental modeling approach:

  1. Develop a DOE for your project, using tables or DOE-KISS.
  2. Complete the DOE hardware fabrication tasks, using the Prototyping Lab facilities.
  3. Conduct the experiments, recording all data in ExCel, using the Prototyping Lab facilities.
  4. Determine the regression fits for the metrics over the experiments. Record all data in ExCel.
  5. Use the DOE analysis as appropriate to help determine an hardware optimal solution.

This work should be done by November 29, 1999.  Then, a final working prototype in hardware is expected by presentation day. 

Due: Wednesday December 8, 1999, at the start of class.  Presentations that day.

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