Concept Sketches

Concept Sketch 1



This is meant to act as a control station for the heist. The screen can show many different symbols and therefore can act as an item with diverse actions. In the storyboard presented it acted as the station to control the alarms, where different combinations of levers and buttons gave different outputs.

Concept Sketch 2



This is meant to be a spring loaded system where the lever would be the interaction method. A reactive and resetable part of the room, where the guest could potentially have to hold it in a certain position for an action to happen. In the storyboard it acted as a feature that allowed the disengament of locks. The movement of the lever coordinated with a reaction in the locks.

Concept Sketch 3



This is suppose to act as another resetable feature in the room. With potentially varible resistance as the column would go in. Again, the movement of the column would coordinate with a reaction in the room. In the case of the storyboard, the pushing of the column would cause the case of the artifact to go up, and realising it would cause the case to go down again.