Restricting Motion
Tread Carefully:
This concept restricts where users can place their feet by using retractable pads and pressure sensors in the floor. The story is that there is "radioactive waste" on the floor, and the pads are the only safe place to step. The pads will be actuated by hydraulic pistons embedded in the floor, which will extend and retract repeatedly. The pressures sensors in the floor can be capacitive sensors embedded in a flexible material (green). When a player steps in this area, the sensors will detect a change in pressure. This will force the players to use a specific path to navigate the room.
Out of Sight:
This concept will restrict the vertical motion of the players. The story is that players are trying to avoid the light beams of the guard towers and ground patrols of the hostile invaders. If the players trigger the sensors 3 times, the guards come to "investigate" and the players get caught. IR sensors at various heights will create a grid across the room. The grid will be interrupted by various objects and obstacles, thus creating safe spaces and hiding spots. This forces players to move to particular spaces around the room.
Burrow Through
This concept takes advantage of the theme. Broken down buildings, vehicles, and other objects will be piled together to create a maze that players must maneuver through to get across the room. This can be made out of basic materials, such as 80-20, 2x4s, plywood, etc., and decorated to match the theme.