Virus Attack
This week, our team settled on the theme of cyberspace and got busy further developing our ideas for rooms and gags that fit the context. I am excited about the idea of a virus defense game that combines both a physical element in the need to fight off an overwhelming viral attack, as well as a puzzle element in predicting the best choke points from which to mount a defense. The functionality of the gameplay has evolved since the last iteration. The game requires the players to react quickly to incoming threats while planning strategically where to place themselves in order to be the most effective. Fast players can move along the walls while others can make a defensive ring around the core. Smart players can identify the choke point switches and focus on defending those, though the game will always throw in a few surprises. It should also be possible to program the game to recognize the number of players based on the number of pressed switches and thus adjust the pace and difficulty of the game.