In a poll surveying 37 undergraduate students, 60% said that they used the water filling stations once a day or more. 30% said that they used it a couple of times a week. The remaining 10% were split between a couple of times a month and rarer, with two people saying that they've never used the stations. From the sample above, it would be an accurate statement to say that the majority of MIT undergraduates use the stations very frequently. Other users include graduate students, faculty, tourists, and other campus visitors. While I can assume that these users also use the stations with varying degrees of frequency, I can't extrapolate because my only survey respondents were undergraduates.
What they like:
- "They're fast and easy to use. Water tastes better than tap water and is cold."
- "Don't have to buy plastic bottles, easy to refill my personal bottle."
- "Seeing the number go up on the number of bottles you saved counter is super satisfying."
- "They're located in convenient places, and they're designed for water bottles. Normal water fountains are made for drinking straight of them, so you'd have to tilt your bottle and fill about half before water spills out. With the campus water dispensers, I can fill the whole bottle."
- "The distribution is quite uniform. I can find one easily."
What they don't like:
- "Sometimes the motion detector won't work. Also if I'm filling up a smaller water bottle, I'll waste water while it stops."
- "They are sometimes nonfunctional. They are not all the same - some you have to hold down a button, some there is a sensor, some with sensors only fill for a certain period of time while some fill until you remove your water bottle."
- "When it says the wrong number of water bottles it's filled (eg sometimes I fill my 750ml bottle and it says it's the equivalent of three bottles of water). I dislike that they are always behind the taller of the (usually two) fountains, because then people who just want a sip have to use the shorter fountain."
- "I can't tell when my water bottle is close to filled and the water often spills over. I try to remove it in a panic."
- "Sometimes the filters aren't completely clean, i.e. marked yellow or red. Plus, some dispensers are really slow to fill the bottle, whereas others are really fast."