Sketch Model Storyboard: Jellybean Rock Wall

Concept variation inspiration: Rock Wall Twister

These are the initial concepts that inspired this idea, but the concept has been modified for the sketch model and in designs moving forward. In the revised version, the physical twister spinner no longer exists and a concept using colored lights is implemented. The color of the lights in the room change to indicate to players what colored jelly beans they have to hold on to.


The hand holds in the room are all red, yellow, or blue. There are six options for the colors that the lights in the room turn. They can either match the holds and be the primary colors of red, blue, and yellow, or they can be the secondary colors created by combinations of the primary colors: green, orange, and purple. When the lights are a primary color, all players must hold on to only that color. When the lights are a secondary color such as purple, the total number of jellybeans being held in each contributing primary color must be equal. So in this case, when the light in the room is purple, the overall number of red holds and number of blue holds being held by the players must be the same. This can be achieved by having each player hold one of each color or by having team members each choose a different color to hold, making sure that the total of each color is the same.

The way the game works is that when a colored light flashes, the players will have 5 seconds to move to the correct color. Once the colored light is stable and stops flashing, all the players must be on the correct color. There are small ledges throughout the bottom half of the room to indicate that guests can use these ledges to climb up further. For scoring, a hold is only counted if it is being held onto- there are no points or penalties for stepping on a certain color. In these images, the players are set up to be winning a room that lit up purple- they are each holding one red and one blue hold. Each game would consist of 5 rounds- the first two rounds will be the simpler rounds where the light in the room will be primary colors since guests will more easily figure out that pattern. The difficulty will increase with the next rounds- the following three rounds will be a random combination of primary and secondary colors that will subvert expectations of how to win the room. Players will win once they have correctly completed all 5 rounds without violating any rules, such as stepping on the floor or holding the wrong color.