|Beer Belly Bounce: Works-Like

2.744 Product Design / Team Organic Finger Food

For the works-like model, we needed a bouncy semi-sphere for the physical apsect of the Beer Belly Bounce challenge. I decided that a bosu ball would make a good model for this (shown in the left image).

I also wanted to test if I could detect when users are kicking or putting weight on the balls. For this aspect, I was thinking about using force sensors, accelerometers, or motion sensors. I decided that a force sensor would be easiest to implement since it can be concealed between the wall and the flat side of the bosu half-ball. Accelerometers or motion sensors would have to be mounted on the outside.

The electronics of the model (shown in the right image) uses a force-sensitive resistor to sense if there's weight oon the ball and then plays a sound if there is a force. This sketch model demonstrates that it'd be relatively easy to have the "sheriff" play sound effects or react when users bounce of of their bellies.