Rescue the Reactor

A Storyboard by Sami Yamani

Room Entrance

This storyboard is inspired by Chernobyl crisis and the writings have a fake russian font to give the impression of the late communism era to the players.

First Observations

As the plyers enter the room, they find themselves in the control room of a nuclear reactor. For the first few seconds, everything is normal and all the lights are green.

Things Go Out of Control

Suddenly, the reactor goes out of control and alarm can be heared in the room. There is a control desk with the map of the reactor in the room. Some fuel rods start blinking yellow first and become red after a short time. The Manual and Door buttons on the control desk start belinking, giving the impression to the players that they should press them.

Going to the Reactor Room

As, the players press the door button, the door to the reactor room opens. Players will see the fuel rods on the ground (similar to the map that they had already seen on the control desk). There are also fire hoses on the wall.

Fire Hoses

Players start to take out the hoses from the wall. The hoses are designed in such a way that they will go back to their place automaticall upon release using a simple spring mechanism. The players then realize that hoses have different lengths and these lengths are needed to connect hoses to the rods at different distances from the fire hose wall.

Losing Scenario and Learning from Mistakes

In the losing scenario, players connect some of the hoses to the rods that were getting hot according to the control desk observations. The connection point of hoses is a matal and the rods on the ground are electro-magnetic, attracting the hose as it gets close to them. This is helpful when reseting the room. The electricity will be switched off and the electro-magnetic effect goes away resulting in hoses moving back to their position at the wall by the spring mechanism discussed above.

When it takes too long for the players to solve the puzzle, the problematic rods explode. There will be an explosion sound in the room and smoke comes out of the rods that were suposed to be connected to the hoses. Each rod is connected to smoke machine from underneath.

Success Scenario

In this scenario, players will be able to attach the hoses with correct length to the problematic rods. The alarm goes away and the lights become green, giving the impression that players won.

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