The Right Escape
A Pirate Tale by Cap'n Tiankai Chen
Enter if ye dare

Upon entering the room, a long corridor lined with flickering torches appears before the crew. In the distance, a bright spotlight illuminates a huge treasure chest with sparkling gold doubloons.
As the crew walks towards the treasure, they hear ghostly whispers telling them to "go back" and to "beware the curse". Furthermore, the many dark entrances on the side of the corridor seem to lead to other places.
Curse of Alza Mecca

Despite not heeding the warnings, the crew step into an open room amazed at the huge treasure before them. As they were about to reach out to grab their spoils, a huge booming voice echoes throughout the room.
"Foolish pirates! No one has ever LEFT this place alive! There is only one RIGHT way out of this place. Find the RIGHT way and the curse will not befall you! If not, only death awaits you. There is no turning BACK from this!"
How do we escape?

At the same time, the crew hears a rumbling sound behind them. Looking back, they saw with dispair that the walls were moving, blocking their escape. Interestingly, a small panel lights up on the ground. Looking at the lines drawn on the panel, the crew realizes that it was a map of the area. They seem to be in some kind of maze!
But wait! Why does it look so simple? There doesn't seem to be any dead ends and there are many paths to the exit.
Mercy of 2 times

"Isn't this really simple?" askes one of the pirates. Smiling with glee, he runs off into the distance, taking the shortest path to the exit.
However, after turning in to the left corridor, a voice rang out "You have just died, but I will be merciful and give you another chance. Return back to the start and try again!"
I got it!

Even though pirates were not known for their intelligience, knowing they only had one last chance of living again, they stared hard at the map. Thinking of what the voice said and the various clues in the maze, the young cabin boy suddenly exclaims, "I got it! There is only one Right way out of this maze! We can only make right turns!"
Realizing the truth behind the maze, the pirates began to plot their path through the maze. Once they were sure of the way, they suddenly realized that they had no choice but to memorize the twists and turns of the correct path as they could not turn back to look at the map again. Grimly, they decided to try their luck and stepped into the maze. Glancing back, the sparkling treasures seem less important than their very lives now.
The Exit!

Upon entering the maze, the crew got lost a few times. As they could not turn back or turn left, they kept going around in circles, always making a right turn or walking straight.
Finally after a long while, they see the exit in the distance. Filled with hope and joy, the pirates ran towards the exit. A voice echoes behind them congratulating them for escaping with their lives....for now... muhahahaha!