2.ThA Syllabus
for the communication intensive component of the 2-A undergraduate thesis
IAP, 2008

2.ThA is a CI-M (Communication in the Major) subject; a passing grade in 2.ThA indicates completion of one of the four CI subjects required for graduation. The writing component of 2.ThA is a 3 unit subject; the writing grade will contribute (approximately) 1/4 of the total thesis grade.

Class meeting times:
Mon Jan 14, Wed Jan 16, 23, Mon Jan 28, Wed Jan 30, 03:30-05:00pm, 1-277, Jan. 30th class meets in 1-132

Instructor: Dave Custer Office: 24-611, 2nd door, first desk on the left Office Hours: probably Monday evening, 5=>7, and by appointment Phone: x3-7787, x3-2872 (message) E-mail: custer@mit.edu

Subject Description:

2.ThA focuses on the communication problems encountered in researching and writing a thesis. The class is designed to be 1/3 thesis writers anonymous, 1/3 writing and speaking skills, and 1/3 thesis organization skills. The writing and speaking assignments culminate in a thesis proposal and an oral presentation.

Text and Other Instructional Materials:

No textbook is required; all materials are either photocopied or available on the web.

Teaching Approach:

2.ThA is based on the following premises:


Class attendance and participation lead directly to success in 2.ThA; be sure to attend the classes. Students who miss more than one of the required class sessions will (insert dire consequence here).

Grading is digital. Come to class; write a proposal in a series of drafts in collaboration with your peers and your instructor; prepare and deliver a series of oral presentations; live long and prosper.

Term Schedule and Assignments:

This class meets five times as shown below. For more detailed information concerning the schedule and assignments, see the deliverables table. Deliverables culminate in a written thesis proposal and an oral presentation based on the proposal. The proposal and an appropriately signed cover sheet must be turned in to the 2.ThA instructor.

Class #: Class Events {homework assigned} Class 1: Introductions and Structures {send Dave an e-mail ping, get a thesis project and advisor, fill out a thesis intent form, get a notebook, surf for background info and templates, read "the science of scientific writing" & plagiarism readings, fill out the proposal mad-lib, compile a bibliography draft, start gathering images, be prepared to talk about your project} Class 2: Progress reports, "writing," plagiarism, & graphics {proposal drafts & graphics} Class 3: Proposal workshop I, graphics show & tell, about oral presentations {further revision and extension of proposal draft + structural presentation} Class 4: 3 minute structural presentations & Workshop II {further revision of proposal & longer presentation} Class 5: Oral presentations {finalize proposal & obtain signatures} Feb 4 : Final proposal & signed cover sheet due Please submit the final proposal and signed cover sheet as hardcopy as well as e-copy.

author = custer@mit.edu
location = http://web.mit.edu/2.tha/www/2ThAsyllabus.html