S e a l   S h a n k

(shank image coming soon) The traditional seal of MIT has been restyled to fit our class. Bold lettering atop the seal side illustrates the major role MIT plays in our lives. The scholar is turning the page of a book, signifying the beginning of the new millenium and our unwritten future. His umbrella represents the paradox of a dry campus constantly bombarded with rain showers. Standing proudly, the blacksmith crushes eight leaves of ivy, representing our distinction from the Ivy League. The men lean on a podium disguised as a fire hydrant reminding us that getting an education from MIT is like taking a drink from a fire hose. The flame rising from the Lamp of Knowledge contains our class year. The Mens et Manus ribbon has been embellished to form a film reel to recognize the prominence of MIT in films over the past year. The stylized hands hold a book representing our academic efforts, while presenting the key to our promising future. The hands also serve as the eyebrows to an owl that reminds us of the wisdom gained through many long nights awake.