Grammar Notes Lesson 2B

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I. これ、それ、あれ、どれ

      これ-- this thing near me
      それ-- that thing near you
      あれ-- that thing over there
      どれ-- which thing 



1. A: なんですか。 What is it? B: これですか。ざっしです。 You mean this? It's a magazine. 2. A: いくらですか。 How much is it? B: どれですか。 Which one? A: それです。 That one. 3. A: きれいですねえ。 It's pretty, isn't it? B: あれですか。ああ、きれいですねえ。 You mean that one over there? Oh, it IS pretty.

れんしゅう(Exercises)--Respond to the following questions.

  1. なんですか。 (Is it this one?)
  2. これですか。 (No, it is that one (near you).)
  3. どれですか。 (It is that one over there.)
  4. かいましたか。 (Which one is it?)
  5. あれですか。 (No, it isn't that one. It's this one.)

II.Personal Referents

Avoid using personal pronouns (such as "he", "she" or "you") as much
as possible!  Japanese use personal names instead of the pronouns.



1. A: たなかさん、いきませんか。 Mr. Tanaka, won't you go? B: わたしですか。いえ、ちょっと… Me? Well, no... 2. A: すずきさんじゃありませんか。 Isn't he Mr. Suzuki? B: そうですね。すずきさんですね。 That's right. He is Mr. Suzuki.

れんしゅう(Exercises)--Express the following in Japanese.

  1. A: Do you understand?
    B: Yes, I do.
  2. A: Are you a student, Mrs. Saito?
    B: Yes, I am.
  3. A: Is she a teacher?
    B: No, she is a student.
  4. A: Aren't you Mr. Yamada?
    B: No. I'm Tanaka.

III.Counting numbers and money (p. 57 of JSL)



1. A: いくらですか。 How much is it? B: 154(ひゃくごじゅうよ)えんです。 It's 154 yen. 2. A: いくらでしたか。 How much was it? B: 3690(さんぜんろっぴゃくきゅうじゅう)えんでした。 It was 3690 yen.

れんしゅう(Exercises)--Express the following in Japanese.

  1. 17
  2. 71
  3. ¥44
  4. 460
  5. 659
  6. ¥100
  7. ¥800
  8. ¥1000
  9. ¥3377
  10. ¥8999


 1. じしょ vs. じてん 
    e.g. えいわじてん (English-Japanese dictionary)
         わえいじてん (Japanese-English dictionary) 

 2. Polite alternates:
    ともだち vs. おともだち  "friend(s)"
    だれ vs. どなた "who"
    いくら vs. おいくら "how much"

 3. Usage of じゃ(あ)   "well then; if that is the case"

    e.g. A: えいごですよ。
            It's English.
         B: じゃ、わかります。
            Well, if that's the case, I understand it.

 4. Personal Pronouns: 
     わた(く)し ("I")
     ぼく ("I", used only by men)
     あなた ("you")

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