Practice Material for Lesson 2 Quiz
Note: This represents only the written part of the test. Remember
that the complete quiz in class will include listening comprehension
questions as well.
Answer the following questions.
You may write the answers in roman letters.
- What is the negative equivalent of nihongo desu?
- What is the perfective equivalent of ookii desu?
- What is the perfective equivalent of kiree desu?
- What is the negative perfective equivalent of kaimasu?
- What is the negative perfective equivalent of sensee desu?
- What is the negative perfective equivalent of ii desu?
What would you say in the following situations?
You may write the answers in roman letters.
- A colleague has just returned from a trip. Ask how it was.
- You've been asked about something in the office. After
checking that the object over there is what is to be identified,
explain that it is a dictionary.
- At a party, you just caught sight of someone you think you
recognize. Ask a colleague if that isn't Dr. Sato.
Answers to the Practice Exam
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