Grammar Notes 第 3 課 B

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 Direct-style Adjectivals (-い form) can modify nominals by occoring
immediately before them.



1. おおきいほんですねえ。 It's a big book, isn't it? 2. むずかしいにほんごでしたよ。 It was difficult Japanese. 3. A:おもしろいざっしじゃありませんか。 Isn't it an interesting magazine? B:これですか。おもしろくないですよ。 This? It's not interesting. 4. A:どのワープロですか。 Which word processor is it? B:あのやすいワープロです。 It is that cheap word processor over there.

れんしゅう(Exercises)--Express the following in Japanese.

  1. It's a fresh cake.
  2. They were cheap cakes.
  3. It's not an interesting book, is it!
  4. A: Is it an expensive word processor?
    B: No, it isn't expensive.
  5. A: Was it easy Japanese?
    B: Hmm... It wasn't very easy, I'm telling you.
  6. A: Which one is it?
    B: It's that small dictionary over there.

II.Counting 10,000(-万[まん])



1. 10,000 [いちまん] 2. 45,000 [よんまんごせん] 3. 130,000 [じゅうさんまん] 4. A: いくらでしたか。 How much was it? B: 18,000円でした。 It was 18,000-yen.

れんしゅう(Exercises)--Express the following in Japanese.

  1. It's 70,000-yen.
  2. Do you mean this one? It's 16,500-yen.
  3. Do you mean this computer? It was 240,000-yen.
  4. It was 907,500-yen! It was expensive, wasn't it?

III.Phrase−particle と

      X と Y (と z...)	"X and Y (and Z...)" 
      Note: と connects only nominals.
            You will learn how to connect other word classes later on.



1. A: どれですか。 Which one is it? B: これとそれです。 This one and that one. 2. A: どなたですか。 Who are they? B: すずきさんとたなかさんです。 They are Mr. Suzuki and Mr. Tanaka.

れんしゅう(Exercises)--Express the following in Japanese.

  1. (I mean) this book and that dictionary (over there).
  2. (I mean) Mr. Tanaka and Mr. Suzuki.
  3. A: Did you use (it) taday?
    B: No, I used (it) yesterday and the day before yesterday.

IV.Usage of Nominal の

     a. ふるいコンピューターです。	
     b. ふるいのです。



Customer: いくらですか。 How much is it? Clerk: どのコンピューターですか。 Which computer (do you mean)? Customer: そのおおきいのです。 The big one (near you). Clerk: これですか。 (You mean) this? Customer: はい、それです。 Yes, that one. Clerk: 2,800ドルです。 It is $2,800.

れんしゅう(Exercises)--Respond to the following questions.

  1. どれですか。
    (That small one.)
  2. どれですか。
    (That one over there.)
  3. あたらしいざっしですね。
    (You mean this one? No, it's not a new one.)


 1. Usage of ぜんぜん ((not) at all):
    ぜんぜん usually occurs with Negative Form of a predicate: 
    e.g. 1. ぜんぜん わかりません。	
            (I don't understand (it) at all.)
         2. ぜんぜん おもしろくありませんでした。
            (It was not interesting at all.)
    Note: ぜんぜん may occur with Affirmative Form of a predicate, if 
          the predicate in questions has a negative connotation.  Examine 
          the following:
	  ぜんぜん だめです。 
          (It's totally no good.)
          ぜんぜん ちがいます。 
          (It's totally wrong.)
 2. Usage of ほとんど:
    e.g. 1.ほとんど1万円でした。	
           (It was almost 10,000 yen.)
           (I've managed most of (it).)
           (I hardly eat it.)

 3. Usage of へえ: great surprise

 4. Usage of やっぱり: after turned out like this/ as I expected

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