Particle exercise 1 Answer       


Read each contect, and answer the questions, supplying the particle that would occur in that context. Use (wa), (ga), (o) or insert Z (zero particle) in case no particle is possible. Assume that each question is asked independently from each other.


CONTEXT: You went shopping yesterday with a list of things to buy. However, you only bought a tape, which was on sale. Everything else was expensive.


YOU HAVE BEEN ASKED:                      YOU RESPOND:


1. What you bought.                                       Teepu ___o__ kaimasita.

2. When you bought the tape.                         Kinoo __z___ kaimasita.

3. Who bought the tape.                                  Watasi ___ga__ kaimasita.

4. If you bought all on the list.                        Iya, teepu __wa___ kaimasita kedoÉ..

5. If you bought all on the list.                        Iya, zenbu __wa___ kaimasen desita.

6. If it is Mr. Suzuki who bought the tape.      Iya, watasi __ga___ kaimasita.

                                                                        Suzuki-san __wa___ kaimasen desita.

7. If it is a book that you bought.                    Iya, teepu _o___ kaimasita.

                                                                        Hon __wa___ kaimasen desita.

8. If both Mr. Suzuki and you bought a tape.   Iya, watasi __wa___ kaimasita kedo,

                                                                        Suzuki-san ___wa__ kaimasen desita.

9. If you bought both a tape and a book.         Iya, teepu __wa___ kaimasita kedo,

                                                                        hon __wa___ kaimasen desita.

10. If you went shopping both yesterday        Iya, kinoo __wa___ ikimasita kedo,

     and today.                                                   kyoo __wa___ ikimasen desita.

11. If everything was cheap.                            Iya, teepu __wa__ yasukatta desu kedoÉÉ

12. What was on sale.                                     Teepu __ga___ yasukatta desu.

13. If both tapes and books were on sale.        Iya, teepu __wa___ yasukatta desu kedo,

                                                                        hon __wa___ takakatta desu.

14. How much money you spent.                    Tyotto __z___ tukaimasita.

15. If you go shopping everyday.                    Iya, kinoo __wa___ ikimasita kedoÉ..