Grammar Notes 第 6 課 A

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I.The こちら series:こちら/そちら/あちら/どちら

 Note: こちら/そちら/あちら/どちら may refer to either "alternative" or

      1.A: 入り口はこちらですか。     
           Is the entrance this side?
        B: いえ、そちらです。         
           No, it's that side.
      2.A: えきはどちらですか。       
           Where is the station? 
        B: あちらの方ですよ。         
           It's that way.         
      3.A: ケーキとパイがありますけど、どちらがおいしいですか。
           There are cake and pie, but which is more delicious?
        B: ケーキの方がおいしいです。 
           The cake is more delicious.

れんしゅう--Express the following in Japanese.

  1. A: Which way is Ueno?
    B: It's further ahead.
  2. The toilet is not this way. It's that way.
  3. A: Which one is more difficult?
    B: That one (near you) is more difficult.

II.A: [Nominal] の PLACE WORDS

     (in) front of the station
     beyond that building
     between the concession stand and the toilet

れんしゅう--Express the following in Japanese.

  1. (in) front of the building
  2. (in) back of the station
  3. between the entrance and the store
  4. ahead of that building
  5. this side of the street
  6. between the Tokyo Station and the Ueno Station

II.B: PLACE WORDS の [Nominal]

        the station in front
        the building beyond
        the public phone between the concession stand and the toilet
        the store on this side

れんしゅう--Express the following in Japanese.

  1. the station beyond
  2. the building in front
  3. the exit in back
  4. the police box between that black building and the station

III.Xは Yにあります

 The phrase-particle に--location marker (of existance)

        MIT is in Cambridge.
          Where is the phone?
          It's in front of the exit.
        Is the toilet in this area?
        Is there a toilet in this area?

 Note: X は Y です can also be used to indicate the location of existance:

        The phone is in front of the exit.
        The police box is a little ahead of this street.
      Note, however, that "X は Y にです" and "Y に X です" are
      ungrammatical (the particle に cannot be directly connected 
      with です or Nです):
        ** 電話は出口のまえにです。
        ** 出口のまえに電話です。

れんしゅう--Express the following in Japanese.

  1. The Tokyo Station is over there. The toilet is between the telephone and the store. The exit is that way (over there). The car is in front of that entrance. The police box is a little ahead of the station. A: As for the Tokyo Station, where is it?
    B: It's behind that grey building.
    A: What is there in front of that white building?
    B: There are a kiosk and a telephone.

IV.Multiple particles

 Note: は and も replaces を and が, but not に.
       Observe the functions of は and も in the following contexts:
          The exit is this way.
          The exit is this way, too.
          There is an exit in this way.
          There is an exit in this way, too.

          Is an English newspaper in that kiosk ?
          No. Not in that kiosk. 
          Where is a toilet?
          They are both in the front and the back of the station.

れんしゅう--Express the following in Japanese.

  1. A: Is there a toilet in this building?
    B: No, there isn't one in this building.
  2. Telephones are both this way and that way over there.

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