Grammar Notes 7B

Grammar Notes 第 7 課 B


 1) Vstem ましょう: "Let's..." or "I will/shall..."
 2) Vstem ましょうか: "Shall we ... ?" or "Shall I ... ?"

 Note: -ましょう forms express the speaker's volition or invitation.
 Formation:     見ます   → 見ましょう     買います →
                作ります →                聞きます →
                します   →                来ます   →

1. かえりましょう。                   Let's go home.
2. A:タクシーで行きましょうか。       Shall we go by taxi? 
   B:ええ、そうしましょう。           Yes, let's do so.
3. A:だれがこれをしますか。           Who will do this?                
   B:わたしがしましょう。             I'll do it.
4. A:ちずをかきましょうか。           Shall I write the map?           
     ええ、そうして下さい(ませんか)。 Yes, please.
5. あしたまいりましょう。             Shall I/we come tomorrow?

れんしゅう--Express the following in Japanese.

  1. Let's go home now.
  2. A:Shall we have some coffee?
    B:Yes, let's.
  3. [when discussing what to bring to a party] I'll make sushi.
  4. A:Shall I go and buy some cakes (and come back)?
    B:Yes, please./ Yes, please do so.

II.Phrase−Particles:で and を

A:Xで "by means of X" 

   1.じてんしゃでこうえんまで行きました。 I went to the park by bike.
   2.チーズはミルクで作ります。   We make cheese from milk.
   3.えんぴつで名前を書いて下さい。 Please write your name pencil.
   4.英語でも日本語でもおしえます。We teach both in English and Japanese.

れんしゅう--Express the following in Japanese.

  1. Today, I came to school by car. I didn't come by bus.
  2. Please write your name on this paper in katakana.
  3. I did this by Japanese workprocessor.

B:Xを+Verbal of motion  "motion occurs through the area"

   1.このみちをまっすぐ行って下さい。    Please go straight along this street.
   2.こうえんをあるきました。          I walked in the park.


   1. つぎのかどをまがりましょうか。 Shall I turn the next corner?
   2. このみちをあるきます。
      **このみちであるきます。  (WRONG)

れんしゅう--Express the following in Japanese.

  1. Go straight along this street.
  2. I walked through a big park.
  3. Turn the next corner (lit. Make a turn through the next corner).
  4. Turn the next corner to the left.
  5. Turn right at the next corner.

III.Humble−Polite Verbals:おVstem+します

     見せます → お見せします    
     聞きます →                 
     書きます →              
     作ります →
     とめます →

 Note: おVstem+します is used when referring to the speaker's or his/her
       in-group's actions.  It is only used when the action affects the
       the person to whom the speaker wants to show respect.

    1. A: かんじをおおしえしましょうか。   
          Shall I teach you the kanji?
       B: ええ、おねがいします。           
          Yes, please.
    2. 田中さんにも山本さんにもお見せしました。       
       I showed it to Tanaka and Yamamoto, too.

    **この本は、クープでお買いしました。 **I bought this book at the COOP.

れんしゅう--Express the following in Japanese.

  1. Shall I draw a map (for you)?
  2. Shall I tell (lit.teach) you the way?
  3. I asked the teacher.

IV.Vstem+たい "want to V"

     食べます  → 食べたい     
     のみます  →              
     います   →
     行きます →
     来ます   →

 Conjugations:行きたい     行きたいです
              行きたかった     行きたかったです
              行きたくない     行きたくないです  or-くありません
              行きたくなかった 行きたくなかったです or-くありませんでした

     1. -たい forms are Adj.
     2. -たい expresses a very personal desire, and it is usually used
        for the first person (I) or the second person (you).
     3. A direct object is marked either by を or が.




れんしゅう--Express the following in Japanese.

  1. I want to eat pizza.
  2. I wanted to go to UCLA, but...
  3. I don't want to drink coffee.
  4. A:What would you like to do today?
    B:I'd like to go to a bookstore in Harvard Square.

V.Extended Predicate −んです

 Formation:  [Adj. direct forms] + んです

Note: ん is a contraction of の.  The -ん construction indicates that
there is shared knowledge between the speaker and the listener.

   3. A:まずいんですか。
   4. A: このじしょ、買いますか。
      B: いえ。高いんです。

--Express the following in Japanese.

  1. Excuse me. I would like to go to Fuji Bank...Would it be around here?
  2. A:You didn't buy that car, did you?
    B:No, it was very expensive.
  3. Is it that it tastes bad?
    B:No, I don't want to eat now.

VI.More on V-Gerunds

       Please show it to me. (request)
       I went on foot.   (manner)
       I went by bus, and came back by taxi.  (sequential)

れんしゅう--Express the following in Japanese.

  1. Today, I'll do this homework(syukudai) and write a letter.
  2. I'll do this homework, and after that, go home.
  3. I went to Tokyo by bus and returned by plane.
  4. (It) will be right there, having turned to the right at the next intersection. (Turn right at the next intersection, it will be right there.)


1.あるきます: a.こうえんをあるきます。      I'll walk in the park.
               b.こうえんへあるいて行きます。I'll walk to the park.

2.聞きます:   a.ラジオを聞きます。          I'll listen to the radio.
               b.先生に聞きます。            I'll ask the teacher.

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