Grammar Notes $BBh(B 9 $B2](B A


 (1) Vowel Verbals -- citation forms ending with -eru or -iru.

     $B$$$k(B      $B!'$$$^$9(B            $B$*$7$($k(B $B!'$*$7$($^$9(B
     ______    $B!'8+$^$9(B            ______   $B!'$d$a$^$9(B  
     ______    $B!'8+$;$^$9(B          ______   $B!'$H$a$^$9(B  
     ______    $B!'?)$Y$^$9(B          ______   $B!'$G$-$^$9(B  

 (2) Consonant Verbals

    Notes: 1. You can conjugate U-Verbs systematically using the following
              rule. (CITATION)--C[u]: (-MASU FORM)--C[i]masu
           2. As exceptions, some U-Verbs end with -eru or -iru.
                e.g. kaeru/iru(need)/etc.

     $BJ,$+$k(B     $B!'J,$+$j$^$9(B           $B9T$/(B     $B!'9T$-$^$9(B
     $B:n$k(B       $B!':n$j$^$9(B             ______   $B!'=q$-$^$9(B   
     $B$"$k(B       $B!'$"$j$^$9(B             ______   $B!'J9$-$^$9(B    
     ______     $B!'$3$^$j$^$9(B           ______   $B!'$"$k$-$^$9(B  
     ______     $B!'$$$j$^$9(B             ______   $B!'$$$?$@$-$^$9(B
     ______     $B!'$^$,$j$^$9(B           $BGc$&(B     $B!'Gc$$$^$9(B
     ______     $B!'$J$j$^$9(B             ______   $B!'$A$,$$$^$9(B  
     ______     $B!'$H$^$j$^$9(B           ______   $B!'$D$+$$$^$9(B  
     ______     $B!'$+$($j$^$9(B           ______   $B!'$&$+$,$$$^$9(B
     ______     $B!'$*$j$^$9(B             $B$N$`(B     $B!'$N$_$^$9(B 
     ______     $B!'$^$$$j$^$9(B           $B$^$D(B     $B!'$^$A$^$9(B
                     ______     $B!'$h$S$^$9(B

    * The following verbs are partially irregular.

     $B$/$@$5$k(B              $B!'$/$@$5$$$^$9(B     
     $B$$$i$C$7$c$k(B          $B!'$$$i$C$7$c$$$^$9(B
     $B$4$6$k(B(not in actual use) : $B$4$6$$$^$9(B

 (3) Irregular Verbs
$B!!!!(B $BMh$k(B(kuru)  : $BMh$^$9(B(kimasu)
     $B$9$k(B        : $B$7$^$9(B

 Usages of Direct Forms:
$B!!(B1. As sentence-final predicates in casual speech.       
     A: $B$3$l!"$G$-$k!)(B               B: $B$&$s!"$G$-$k$h!#(B
     cf. A: $B$3$l!"$G$-$^$9$+!#(B       B: $B$O$$!"$G$-$^$9$h!#(B
  2. Direct forms are used before clause-particles such as $B$1$I(B and 
     a tentative predicate $B$G$7$g$&(B in direct-style speech.

II. [Nominal/$B$J(B-Adj] + $B$@(B

 Notes: 1. $B$@(B is Direct Imperfective Form of copula $B$G$9(B.
        2. In asking questions in casual speech, Nominal/$B$J(B-Adj. without 
           $B$@(B/$B$+(B occurs with question intonation.
 Examples 1. $B$"$7$?$O!"LZMKF|$@!#(B
          2. $B$=$l!"$-$l$$$@$1$I!"9b$$$G$9$M!#(B
          3. A:$B$"$N%3%s%T%e!<%?!

III. Casual-style Speech using Direct Form

 Observe the following examples and compare male speech and female speech.
           (Male)                  (Female)     
 Verbals:  $BJ,$+$k$h!#(B              $BJ,$+$k$o$h!#(B     
           $BJ,$+$k$M(B($B$((B)$B!#(B          $BJ,$+$k$o$M(B($B$((B)$B!#(B
 $B$$(B-Adj.:  $B$3$l!"$*$b$7$m$$$h!#(B    $B$3$l!"$*$b$7$m$$$o$h!#(B
 $B$J(B-Adj.:  $B$"$l!"$Y$s$j$@$h!#(B      $B$"$l!"$Y$s$j$h!#(B
           $B$"$l!"$Y$s$j$@$M(B($B$((B)$B!#(B  $B$"$l!"$Y$s$j$M(B($B$((B)$B!#(B
 Nominals: $B$$$$

Exercises - Translate the following into Japanese.

  1. A: Do you eat sushi?
    B: Yes, I do.
  2. A: Are you coming tomorrow, too?
    B: Yes, I am.
  3. A: Is Japanese difficult?
    B: Yes, very difficult.
  4. A: That's very convenient, isn't it?
    B: It's convenient, but...
  5. A: Oh, it's 12 o'clock(,I tell you).
    B: Right(,isn't it).
  6. A: Is this yours, Tom/Mary?
    B: Yes, it's mine.

IV$B!%!N(BNominal$B!\(BParticle$B!O$N(B Nominal

 Note: Particles such as $B$O(B/$B$,(B/$B$r(B/$B$b(B/$B$K(B do not occur in this combination.
 Examples     1. $B$3$l!"$H$b$@$A$+$i$N

Exercises - Translate the following into Japanese.

  1. Will you go to the class from 3:00?
  2. This is a bullet train (that goes) as far as Fukuoka.
  3. Is this a letter from whom?
  4. Is it a meeting from what time?

V$B!%$$(B-Adj$B!%$/$J$k(B [change of state]

 Formation:     $BBg$-$$(B        $B"*(B  $BBg$-$/$J$k(B     $B8E$$(B       $B"*(B
                $B$$$=$,$7$$(B    $B"*(B                 $B0B$$(B       $B"*(B

 Examples     1. $B%3%s%T%e!<%?!<$,>.$5$/$J$j$^$7$?$M!#(B
              2. $BF|K\8l$O$`$:$+$7$+$C$?$1$I!">/$7$d$5$7$/$J$j$^$7$?!#(B
              3. $BF|K\$X9T$-$?$/$J$j$^$7$?$h!#(B

Exercises - Translate the following into Japanese.

  1. This class has become (more) interesting.
  2. This class will become (more) difficult starting next week.
  3. This computer will not become cheap(er).
  4. That street has become better.
  5. I'm sorry to be late.


 Note: $B$^$G$K(B indicates "by (limit of time for an action)".  $B$^$G(B indicates
        "until (duration of time)" or "up to/as far as (location)".
 Examples     1. $B#4;~$^$G$3$3$K$$$^$9!#(B
              2. $B#4;~$^$G$K$3$3$XMh$F2<$5$$!#(B

Exercises - Translate the following into Japanese.

  1. Please do this job by 5:00 today.
  2. Please wait here until 5:00 pm.
  3. I will come home by 4:30 (at least).
  4. I would like to buy a new car by around April.


 Connection rules: V.      {$B9T$/(B/$B9T$+$J$$(B(L.10A)} $B$G$7$g$&(B      
                   $B$$(B-Adj. {$B9b$$(B/$B9b$/$J$$(B} $B$G$7$g$&(B
                   $B$J(B-Adj. {$B$U$Y$s!{(B/$B$U$Y$s$8$c$J$$(B} $B$G$7$g$&(B 
                   N.      {$B?eMKF|!{(B/$B?eMKF|$8$c$J$$(B} $B$G$7$g$&(B
 Examples  1. $B$-$g$&$H$G;0F|$0$i$$$H$^$k$G$7$g$&!#(B
           2. $B$3$NF|K\8l!"J,$+$k$G$7$g$&!)(B

Exercises - Translate the following into Japanese.

  1. I will probably come home late today.
  2. (He) was probably busy yesterday.
  3. The next test($B%F%9%H(B) will probably not very difficult.
  4. Mr. Tanaka is good at English, isn't he?
  5. You have a dictionary, don't you?

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[Lesson 9 Quiz Review] [Japanese 2]