(1) Vowel Verbals -- citation forms ending with -eru or -iru. $B$$$k(B $B!'$$$^$9(B $B$*$7$($k(B $B!'$*$7$($^$9(B ______ $B!'8+$^$9(B ______ $B!'$d$a$^$9(B ______ $B!'8+$;$^$9(B ______ $B!'$H$a$^$9(B ______ $B!'?)$Y$^$9(B ______ $B!'$G$-$^$9(B (2) Consonant Verbals Notes: 1. You can conjugate U-Verbs systematically using the following rule. (CITATION)--C[u]: (-MASU FORM)--C[i]masu 2. As exceptions, some U-Verbs end with -eru or -iru. e.g. kaeru/iru(need)/etc. $BJ,$+$k(B $B!'J,$+$j$^$9(B $B9T$/(B $B!'9T$-$^$9(B $B:n$k(B $B!':n$j$^$9(B ______ $B!'=q$-$^$9(B $B$"$k(B $B!'$"$j$^$9(B ______ $B!'J9$-$^$9(B ______ $B!'$3$^$j$^$9(B ______ $B!'$"$k$-$^$9(B ______ $B!'$$$j$^$9(B ______ $B!'$$$?$@$-$^$9(B ______ $B!'$^$,$j$^$9(B $BGc$&(B $B!'Gc$$$^$9(B ______ $B!'$J$j$^$9(B ______ $B!'$A$,$$$^$9(B ______ $B!'$H$^$j$^$9(B ______ $B!'$D$+$$$^$9(B ______ $B!'$+$($j$^$9(B ______ $B!'$&$+$,$$$^$9(B ______ $B!'$*$j$^$9(B $B$N$`(B $B!'$N$_$^$9(B ______ $B!'$^$$$j$^$9(B $B$^$D(B $B!'$^$A$^$9(B ______ $B!'$h$S$^$9(B * The following verbs are partially irregular. $B$/$@$5$k(B $B!'$/$@$5$$$^$9(B $B$$$i$C$7$c$k(B $B!'$$$i$C$7$c$$$^$9(B $B$4$6$k(B(not in actual use) : $B$4$6$$$^$9(B (3) Irregular Verbs $B!!!!(B $BMh$k(B(kuru) : $BMh$^$9(B(kimasu) $B$9$k(B : $B$7$^$9(B Usages of Direct Forms: $B!!(B1. As sentence-final predicates in casual speech. A: $B$3$l!"$G$-$k!)(B B: $B$&$s!"$G$-$k$h!#(B cf. A: $B$3$l!"$G$-$^$9$+!#(B B: $B$O$$!"$G$-$^$9$h!#(B 2. Direct forms are used before clause-particles such as $B$1$I(B and a tentative predicate $B$G$7$g$&(B in direct-style speech. $B$"$7$?$O$A$g$C$H$*$=$/$J$k$1$I!"$$$$$G$9$+!#(B $B$"$k$$$F#2#0J,$0$i$$$+$+$k$G$7$g$&!#(B
Notes: 1. $B$@(B is Direct Imperfective Form of copula $B$G$9(B. 2. In asking questions in casual speech, Nominal/$B$J(B-Adj. without $B$@(B/$B$+(B occurs with question intonation. Examples 1. $B$"$7$?$O!"LZMKF|$@!#(B 2. $B$=$l!"$-$l$$$@$1$I!"9b$$$G$9$M!#(B 3. A:$B$"$N%3%s%T%e!<%?!
III. Casual-style Speech using Direct Form
Observe the following examples and compare male speech and female speech. (Male) (Female) Verbals: $BJ,$+$k$h!#(B $BJ,$+$k$o$h!#(B $BJ,$+$k$M(B($B$((B)$B!#(B $BJ,$+$k$o$M(B($B$((B)$B!#(B $B$$(B-Adj.: $B$3$l!"$*$b$7$m$$$h!#(B $B$3$l!"$*$b$7$m$$$o$h!#(B $B$3$l!"$*$b$7$m$$$M(B($B$((B)$B!#$3$l!"$*$b$7$m$$$o$M(B($B$((B)$B!#(B $B$J(B-Adj.: $B$"$l!"$Y$s$j$@$h!#(B $B$"$l!"$Y$s$j$h!#(B $B$"$l!"$Y$s$j$@$M(B($B$((B)$B!#(B $B$"$l!"$Y$s$j$M(B($B$((B)$B!#(B Nominals: $B$$$$
Exercises - Translate the following into Japanese.
- A: Do you eat sushi?
B: Yes, I do.- A: Are you coming tomorrow, too?
B: Yes, I am.- A: Is Japanese difficult?
B: Yes, very difficult.- A: That's very convenient, isn't it?
B: It's convenient, but...- A: Oh, it's 12 o'clock(,I tell you).
B: Right(,isn't it).- A: Is this yours, Tom/Mary?
B: Yes, it's mine.
IV$B!%!N(BNominal$B!\(BParticle$B!O$N(B Nominal
Note: Particles such as $B$O(B/$B$,(B/$B$r(B/$B$b(B/$B$K(B do not occur in this combination. Examples 1. $B$3$l!"$H$b$@$A$+$i$N
Exercises - Translate the following into Japanese.
- Will you go to the class from 3:00?
- This is a bullet train (that goes) as far as Fukuoka.
- Is this a letter from whom?
- Is it a meeting from what time?
V$B!%$$(B-Adj$B!%$/$J$k(B [change of state]
Formation: $BBg$-$$(B $B"*(B $BBg$-$/$J$k(B $B8E$$(B $B"*(B $B$$$=$,$7$$(B $B"*(B $B0B$$(B $B"*(B Examples 1. $B%3%s%T%e!<%?!<$,>.$5$/$J$j$^$7$?$M!#(B 2. $BF|K\8l$O$`$:$+$7$+$C$?$1$I!">/$7$d$5$7$/$J$j$^$7$?!#(B 3. $BF|K\$X9T$-$?$/$J$j$^$7$?$h!#(B
Exercises - Translate the following into Japanese.
- This class has become (more) interesting.
- This class will become (more) difficult starting next week.
- This computer will not become cheap(er).
- That street has become better.
- I'm sorry to be late.
Note: $B$^$G$K(B indicates "by (limit of time for an action)". $B$^$G(B indicates "until (duration of time)" or "up to/as far as (location)". Examples 1. $B#4;~$^$G$3$3$K$$$^$9!#(B 2. $B#4;~$^$G$K$3$3$XMh$F2<$5$$!#(B
Exercises - Translate the following into Japanese.
- Please do this job by 5:00 today.
- Please wait here until 5:00 pm.
- I will come home by 4:30 (at least).
- I would like to buy a new car by around April.
Connection rules: V. {$B9T$/(B/$B9T$+$J$$(B(L.10A)} $B$G$7$g$&(B $B$$(B-Adj. {$B9b$$(B/$B9b$/$J$$(B} $B$G$7$g$&(B $B$J(B-Adj. {$B$U$Y$s!{(B/$B$U$Y$s$8$c$J$$(B} $B$G$7$g$&(B N. {$B?eMKF|!{(B/$B?eMKF|$8$c$J$$(B} $B$G$7$g$&(B Examples 1. $B$-$g$&$H$G;0F|$0$i$$$H$^$k$G$7$g$&!#(B 2. $B$3$NF|K\8l!"J,$+$k$G$7$g$&!)(B
Exercises - Translate the following into Japanese.
- I will probably come home late today.
- (He) was probably busy yesterday.
- The next test($B%F%9%H(B) will probably not very difficult.
- Mr. Tanaka is good at English, isn't he?
- You have a dictionary, don't you?
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