Lesson 10 Quiz Review Exercise (Part 2) Answey key


7. Kanai _____.

a.     __O___ de gozaimasu.        "(This is) my wife." (polite)

b.     __X___ ga okiki ni narimasita. 

"O[stem] ni naru" is an honorific form, therefore, it cannot be used to describe the action of the speaker or speaker's in-group. "Kanai" is an in-group term.

c.     __O___ no to onazi?            " Is it the same as my wife's?

d.     __X___ o omati simasyoo.

"Omati suru" is a humble form, therefore, the person you'll wait for must be an out-group person.

e.     __O___ o gozonzi desu.        "S/he (out group) knows my wife." (honorific polite)

f.      __X___ ga gozonzi desu.

"Gozonzi" is an honorific word, so the in-group person cannot be the subject of this word.



8. Benkyoo site _____.

a.     __O___ orimasita.              "I was studying." (humble polite)

b.     __X___ desyoo.   

"desyoo" cannot follow the gerund. The correct form is "Benkyoo sita desyoo (he probably studied.)"

c.     __O___ irassyaru.             "S/he is studying." (honorific polite: casual style)

d.     __O___ mairimasita.         " I studied and came here/went there."

(humble polite)

e.     __X___ to kaerimasita.     

Verbals cannot be combined with "to". The correct form is "Benkyoo site kaerimasita (I studied and went home)."

f.      __X___ n desu.

The extended predicate "n desu" cannot follow the gerund.


9. Uti no ____ de gozaimasu.

a.     __X___ gosyuzin

The in-group term "syuzin" should be used instead.

b.     __O___ "nothing"              "It is ours."(polite)  

c.     __X___ bottyan

The in-group term "musuko" should be used instead.

d.     __O___ tuma                    "This/It is my wife." (polite)

e.     __X___ ozyoosan

The in-froup term "musume" should be used instead.

f.      __O___ ko                          "This/It is my child." (polite)


10. _____ na no?

a.     __O___ Ikutu        "How old (is it that) you are(s/he is)?"

b.     __O___ Otona       "(Is it that) s/he is an adult?"

c.     __X___ Kamawanai         

"Na" follows nominals only. The correct form is "Kamawanai no? ((Is it that) you don't mind?)"

d.     __X___ Detai

 "~tai" is adjectival, "na" cannot follow it. The correct from is "Detai no? ((Is it that) you want to leave/attend?)"

e.     __O___ Saraigetu             " (Is it that) it will be the month after next?"

f.      __O___ Gozonzi   "(Is it that) s/he knows it?" (honorific polite: casual style)


11. Watasi ga _____.

a.     __O___ gozaimasu.          "I have it." (polite)

b.     __O___ zonzimasen.         "I don't know." (humble polite)       

c.     __O___ okasi simasyoo.   "I shall lend it to you." (humble polite)

d.     __X___ okari ni narimasita.

"O [stem] ni naru" is an honorific polite form, therefore, it cannot be used  to describe your own action. The correct form is "Watasi ga okari simasita (I borrowed it)."


12. Tosiyori _____.

a.     __O___ na n desu.                "(It is that) s/he is an old person."

b.     __X___ nakatta.

"Tosiyori" is a nominal, therefore, it requires "zya"  for negation. The correct form is "Tosiyori zya nakatta (S/he was not an old person)."

c.     __X___  wa yo.

"Wa", a feminin sentence final particle, does not occur immediately after nominals. The correct form is "Tosiyori yo ( S/he is an old person!)."

d.     __X___ naritakunai.

Note that Nominal + "ni" + "naru". The correct form is "Tosiyori ni naritakunai (I don't want to become an old person)."


13. _____ da kedo...

a.     __O___ Musume              "She is my daughter, but..."

b.     __X___ Rikon sita

Only nominals preceed "da". The correct form is  "Rikon sita kedo...(I got divorced, but...) "

c.     __O___ Kikanakatta n      "(It is that) I didn't listen/ask, but...)

d.     __O___ Heta                     " I am not skilled at it, but..."

e.     __X___ Kawaii

"Kawaii" is an adjectival. Again, "da" follows only nominals. The correct form is "Kawaii kedo...(someone/something) is cute, but..)."


14. _____ kekkon simasita.

a.     __O___ Uketuke no hito to           "I got married to the receptionist."

b.     __X___ Tookyoo ni

"Kekkon suru" is an activity, therefore, the place where it took place should be marked with "de", not "ni". The correct form is "Tookyoo de kekkon simasita (We got married in Tokyo)."

c.     __O___ Ototosi                " I got married the year before last."

d.     __X___ Ni-nen mae kara

"Kara" indicates the starting point, therefore, it is not appropriate to indicate the definite time of the marriage. The correct from is "Ni-nen mae ni kekkon simasita (I got married two years ago)."  

e.     __X___ Musuko o

The correct form is "Musuko ga kekkon simasita (My son got married)."

f.      __O___ Hayame ni           "I got married rather early."


15. Kyookasyo no  _____.

a.     __O___ ga tigatta.             " It is the one in the textbook that was wrong."

b.     __O___ wa tigatta.             "The one in the textbook was wrong."

c.     __O___ to tigatta.              " It was different from the one in the textbook."


16. Tomodati ni _____.

a.     __O___ karinai?                "Won't we borrow it from our friends?"

b.     __O___ kasimasita.           " I lent it to my friend."

c.     __O___ miti o kiita.           "I asked my friend the way (direction)."

d.     __X___ ikimasita.

"Tomodati" is not a place word. If you'd like to say "I went to my friend's." it should be "Tomodati no tokoro/otaku ni ikimasita."

e.     __O___ hanasite ii?           "Is it OK to tell my friend (about it)?"

f.      __O___ natta.                    "We became friends."


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