Grammar Notes $BBh(B10$B2](BB

I$B!%(BVerbal$B!!(BGerund($B$F(B-form)$B!\(B $B$$$k(B

 This [$B#V$F(B-form$B!\(B $B$$$k(B] pattern is used to describe either one of the 
 following situations:
     1. to indicate that some action is currently taking place.
     2. to indicate that something happened and that the resultant state 
$B#A!'(B[$B#V$F(B-form$B!\(B $B$$$k(B]--progressive action

        Mr. Maeda is talking on a phone now.
      2.A:$B$=$3$G2?$r$7$F$$$k$s$G$9$+!#(B   What are doing there?


  1. Mr. Tanaka is drinking coffee now.
  2. (His) wife is using the computer.
  3. (Their) daughter is watching TV($B%F%l%S(B).
  4. (Their) son is studying.
  5. I do jogging 30 minutes every morning.
  6. My husband teaches English at a college.

B$B!'(B[V$B$F(B-form$B!\(B $B$$$k(B]--continuation of a state


       Prof. Kobayashi is married, isn't she?


  1. Mary is married, but Jane is not.
  2. Mr. Kimura has gone to Paris (and is there now).
  3. Three cars are parked in front of the entrance.

C$B!'(B[V$B$F(B-form$B$$$J$$(B]--"have not V-ed"

     1.$B;H$C$F$$$^$9(B normally refers to a progressive action "I am using...",
      but it could refer to a continuation of a state "I have used..."
      depending on the context.
     2.$B;H$C$F$$$^$;$s(B, likewise, may refer to either "I am not using..." or
       "I haven't used..."
     1.A:$BF|K\$X9T$-$^$7$?$+!#(B       A:Have you been to Japan?    
       B:$B$$$$$(!"9T$C$F$$$^$;$s!#(B   B:No, I haven't.     
     cf.A:$B5nG/F|K\$X9T$-$^$7$?$+!#(B  A:Did you go to Japan last year?
       B:$B$$$$$(!"9T$-$^$;$s$G$7$?!#(B B:No, I didn't.

$B$l$s$7$e$&(B--Respond with $B$$$$$(!"!A$F$$$^$;$s(B to the following questions.

  1. $B%+!<%?!<$5$s$O!"$+$($j$^$7$?$+!#(B
  2. $B%l%C%9%s#1#0#B$N%F!<%W$rJ9$-$^$7$?$+!#(B
  3. $B@h@8$N?7$7$$%3%s%T%e!<%?!<$r8+$^$7$?$+!#(B

II$B!%(BUsage$B!!(Bof$B!!(BVerb$B!!CN$k(B (a consonant verbal)

     1.$BCN$k(B means "to acquire knowledge".  
          "X knows ..."     ---------$B#X$O(B...$B$rCN$C$F$$$k(B/$BCN$C$F$$$^$9(B
          "X does not know..." --$B#X$O(B...$B$rCN$i$J$$(B/$BCN$j$^$;$s(B
     2.$BJ,$+$k(B means "to understand; can figure out, etc."

     1.The honorific version of $BCN$k(B: [Someone superior knows...]
     2.The humble version of $BCN$k(B:[Speaker/in-group knows...]
        $B$>$s$8$F$$$k(B/$B$>$s$8$F$$$^$9(B or $B$>$s$8$F$*$j$^$9(B
     1.A:$B$"$NJ}$r$4$>$s$8$G$9$+!#(B    Do you know that person?
       B:$B$O$$!"$h$/$>$s$8$F$*$j$^$9!#(BYes, I know him well.
          I don't know it, but Mr. Tanaka probably knows.
          No, I asked him, but he didn't know it.


  1. Do you know the Park Building?
  2. I know that person, but don't know his name.
  3. I didn't know that.
  4. Is the road clear to you?

III$B!%(BPhrase$B!](Bparticle $B$H(B

 [$B#X$H!\(BPredicate $B#Y(B]describes the occurance of $B#Y(B in accompaniment with $B#X(B.

        I went to a party with a friend last night.
        Midori will marry an Italian next month.


  1. I often eat with my Japanese friends.
  2. Midori-san got divorced from her husband.
  3. Japanese is very different from Chinese.
  4. I talked with my teacher, too.

IV$B!%(BMore$B!!(Babout$B!!(BPhrase$B!](Bparticle $B$K(B

      a.$B%K%e!<%h!<%/$K9T$-$^$7$g$&!#(B    [ultimate goal] 
        Let's go to New York.
      b.$B;0;~H>$^$G$K$$$i$C$7$c$C$F2<$5$$!#(B[specific time]
        Please come at 3:30.


  1. Did you call Mr. Hayashi this morning?
  2. I am teaching Japanese to American students.
  3. I would like to talk to Prof. Miyagawa, but is he in?
  4. I don't want to lend him my bicyle.
  5. I borrwed this dictionary from my Korean friend.
  6. I don't know. Please ask your teacher.
  7. From whom did you hear that?


$B!!(B1.Family terms:     In-group     Out-group
     wife     $B$+$J$$(B/$B$D$^(B     $B$*$/$5$s(B
     husband  $B$7$e$8$s(B        $B$4$7$e$8$s(B

$B!!(B2.Nationalities: (see p.275)
  Country Name + $B?M(B($B$8$s(B)      

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[Lesson 10 Quiz Review] [Japanese 2]