Japanese 2
Lesson 7 Reading 2

In order to look up a word in a Japanese-English dictionary which presents entries in kana, you need to know how the entries are arranged. The following are the basic rules of the entry arrangement:

  1. The entry is arranged according to the kana chart, i.e. あいうえお, かきくけこ... order. For example, if you'd like to look up "これ", you sould first locate words which start with "こ" that comes after "け", then look for the word whose second syllable is "れ".
  2. The entry written in hiragana comes first, and then in katakana.
  3. The voiced sounds, such as がぎくげご, and p-sounds ぱぴぷぺぽ come later. Ex. ひざ(knee) → ビザ(Visa) → ピザ(pizza)
  4. The long-vowels in hiragana are arranged according to how they are spelled. The long-vowels in katakana are viewed as in: コーヒー → コオヒイ
  5. The small っ(double-consonants) are listed after つ. The contracted sounds, such as きゃ, come after きや.
  6. As for verbs and adjectives, the entries are given in dictionary or citation forms. For example, in order to find out the meaning of "いって" as in "いってください", you need to know whether the phrase is derived from "いく(go)" or "いう(say)". (JSL users do not have to worry about verb citation forms until Lesson 9.) The adjective phrase "ふるくありません" has to be looked up as "ふるい".





Japanese-English Dictionary」です。27ドルは、




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