Grammar Notes 第 1 6 課 A

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I.Verbal Pairs: Transitive/Intransitive

  Learn the following pairs thoroughly:
〜をTr.V ドアをあける 〜がIntr.V ドアがあく
まどをしめる          まどがしまる
かぎをかける          かぎがかかる
紙をいれる           紙がはいる
テレビをつける         テレビがつく
電気をけす           電気がきえる
車を止める           車が止まる

a.あけた? (Did you open it?)
b.あいた? (Did it open?)
c.ドアをあけています。(progressive) (He) is opening the door.
d.ドアがあいています。(stative) The door is open.

れんしゅう--Express the following in Japanese.

  1. Did you close the window?
  2. Did you turn off the radio?
  3. Did you lock?
  4. Please open the door.
  5. Please turn on the light.
  6. Please stop the car.
  7. This door won't open.
  8. The light has turned on.
  9. The post office is still closed.
  10. The door is locked.
  11. A blue car was parked over there.
  12. What is in the bag?

II.Vte+ある(あります) "something has been V-ed"


a.まどが開いています。 The window is open.
b.まどが開けてあります。 The window has been opened (for some purpose.)
c.まどを開けています。 S/he is opening the window.


Has your homework been done yet?
No, it hasn't been done yet.
Since we are going to have a party, a lot of beer has been bought.
The name has been written already, but Tanaka is writing
the rest now.
All the teachers' telephone numbers have been asked.

れんしゅう--Respond to the following questions.

  1. まどを閉めましたか。 →はい、
  2. 手紙を書きましたか。 →はい、
  3. テレビを消しましたか。 →はい、
  4. かぎをかけましたか。 →いいえ、

III.Vte+おく(おきます) "V in advance; go ahead and V"


(describing state) The medicine has been taken.
(volitional act) I took the medicine in advance.

Vte+おく becomes often contracted in fast speech.
食べておく → 食べとく(-toku)
飲んでおく → 飲んどく(-doku)


We won't read this book for now, so let's put it away (for future use).
Shall I turn off the radio?
No, please leave it on.
Since a guest is coming, I cleaned the classroom in advance.

れんしゅう--Fill in the blanks with Vteおく.

  1. 部長がいなかったので、紙にメモを_______________。
  2. かいぎの時間がかわったので、みんなにれんらく________下さい。
  3. 明日はCCのじゅぎょうだから、テープをよく__________。
  4. それは、ひきだしの中に___________下さい。


1.Verbal とる  
a.しょうゆをとって下さい。 (Please pass me the soy sauce.)
b.かさをとって来て下さい。 (Please go and get an umbrella.)
c.ここでしゃしんをとりましょう。(Let's take pictures here.)
d.日本語IIIをとっています。(I am taking Japanese III course.)

Note: in Japanese, "take something to some place" is expressed as
持って行く or 持って来る:

"Take this medicine to your father"
→ このくすりをおとうさんに持って行って。

Photographic Vocabulary Aid:

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