レッスン23A 例文
1. 田中さん、部長がお呼びですよ。
Tanaka-san, the section manager is calling (you).
2. 私は構いませんが、先生はお疲れじゃありませんか。
For me it is no problem, but isn’t Teacher tired?
3. これからお出かけでお急ぎでしょうから、またいずれ。
Since now you would be leaving in a hurry, until next time.
4. 社長は、あちらに何時にお着きか知ってる?
Do you know what time the company president will arrive
5. お戻りの時間は決まりましたか。
Did he decide the return time?
6. 妹さんはどちらの旅館にお泊まりでしょうか。
Which Japanese inn would your younger be staying at?
7. もう特急券も指定券もお持ちでしたね。
She already had a special-express ticket and a reserved-seat
ticket, right?
8. お降りの前に、忘れ物がないかどうか、もう一度お席をご確認ください。
Please check the seat in front of the seat next to you one
more time to see if there is a forgotten belonging.
9. 西本さんはお気に入りのくつをスーツケースに入れて来ました。
Nishimoto-san put the shoes that she likes into the suitcase
and came.
10. お連れの女性のお名前を伺ってもよろしいですか。
Is it all right even if I ask the name of the girl you
SP2: ため |
1. 弟は、いい大学に入るために、毎日遅くまで勉強している。
My younger brother, in order to get into a good university,
is studying every day until late.
2. これは、卵をきれいに切るための道具です。
This is a tool for cutting eggs neatly.
3. 店の電話番号を調べるためには、インターネットを使うのが一番便利だ。
For looking up the store’s telephone number, using the
internet is the most convenient.
4. 結婚に反対する両親に分かってもらうために、彼は何度でも会いに来ると言った。
In order to have the parents who are against the marriage to
understand, he said he will come to see [them] however many times [is
5. たばこをやめられない人のためにカウンセリングをやってくれるそうです。
For the sake of people who cannot quit smoking, it is said
they will do counseling for them.
6. 健康のために、毎日20分ぐらい、軽い運動をした方がいい。
For the sake of your health, every day for about 20 minutes,
you should do light exercise.
7. 本当のことを言うために、北村さんに時間を作ってもらって会うつもりです。
In order to tell the truth, I plan to have Kitamura-san make
some time to meet.
8. 国のために私にどんなことができるだろうか?
For the sake of the country, I wonder if I can do anything?
9. 気持ちよく仕事をするため、机の上やオフィスの棚は、いつもきれいにかたづけておいてください。
In order to work with a good feeling, please always clean up
nicely things like the top of the desk and the office shelf.
10. きのうほど寒くないが、西風が強くふいているため、やっぱりセーリングはキャンセルになった。
It’s not as cold as yesterday, but since the west wind is
blowing strongly, sailing was cancelled after all.
1. インフルエンザのため、学校が休みになった。
Because of the influenza, school had a day off.
2. 明日、あさっては出張のため、こちらにはおりません。
Since tomorrow and the day after I will be on a business
trip, I will not be here.
3. 誰からの電話か分からなかったため、かけ直すことができなかった。
Since I didn’t know who the call was from, I could not call
them again.
4. 天気によって集まる場所が違うため、当日の朝メールをチェックして下さい。
Since the meeting place is different depending on the
weather, on the morning of please check the email.
5. エレベータが故障だったため、4階まで荷物をひとつずつ運ばなくてはいけなかった。
Since the elevator was out of order, we had to carry our
luggage one-by-one up to the fourth floor.
6. このアパートは駅までずいぶん遠いため、車のない人には不便だろう。
Since this apartment is quite far from the train station, it
would be inconvenient for people without a car.
7. ボストンからカナダまで車で行ったが、パスポートが必要なため、カナダには入れなかった。
I went from Boston until Canada by car, but since a passport
is needed, I could not enter Canada.
Since there are few windows, in summer the inside of the
room gets hot and it’s a problem.
9. 財布にお金が入っていないのに気がつかなかったために、 たくさん色々な物をレジまで持って行き、すごく恥ずかしかった。
Even though there was no money inside the wallet, even
though I didn’t realize it I went carrying various things up to the register
and it was very embarrassing.
10. せっかく市がきれいな公園を作っても、交通が不便なために、遊びに来る人が少ない。
Even though the city went to all the trouble of making a
pretty park, since the transportation is inconvenient, there are few people who
come to play.
SP3: Giving Reasons with Particle し |
Because there is a lot of snow, and
what's more it is cold, I do not like Boston winters very much.
Because tomorrow there are three tests,
and what's more I have to turn in homework, it is tough.
Because this restaurant has good
service, is delicious, and what's more it is cheap, I like it.
Because the new secretary is quick at
learning the work, and what's more it is easy to ask various things of him, it
really helps.
Because my shoulder is stiff, and
what's more my head hurts a little, today I plan to take it easy at home.
Because yesterday I ended up drinking
too much, and what's more tomorrow morning I get up early, so although this is
very kind, tonight I will hold back.
Because I was alone, and what's more I
couldn't make myself understood in English, and what's more it started to get
late at night, I am used to traveling, but that time I was a little scared.
Because there is no money-changing machine,
and what 's more I can't find a convenience store nearby, this station is
really inconvenient.
Because you can do shopping on the internet,
it isn't really necessary to go to the trouble of going out to town, right?
10. 二、三日学校にも来てないし、電話かけても留守だし、こないだ会った時も元気なかったし、心配だなあ。
Because she has not come to school for two or
three days, and what's more even if I call she is out, and what's more she was
not well when I met her recently, it's worrying.
SP4: Nominal X (+particle) でも |
1. こんな雨の日は、家で映画でも見たいですね。
On these rainy days, I want to watch a
movie or something at home.
2. テストも済んだし、今日はまんがでも読もう。
Since I have finished the test also,
today let's read comics or something.
3. 近いうちに、ゆっくりお茶でも飲みませんか。
In the near future, will you come drink
tea or something, taking our time (leisurely)?
4. 暇な時にでも、ぜひ電話してください。
In your free time or something, by all
means please call.
5. そういうことは、アニメに詳しい林さんにでも聞いてみてください。
For that sort of thing, please try
asking Hayashi-san, who knows a lot about anime, or someone (else).
6. 授業が休みになったから、駅前の喫茶店にでも行こうと思って、、。
After classes went into break, I
thought I would go to the coffee shop in front of the station or something.