レッスン24B         例文   


SP1 Adjectival (Root) +           


1.       このごろの忙しさと暑さで、具合が悪くなってしまった。

With the busyness and heat recently, her health became bad.

2.       これだけの広さでこの安さのアパートは、東京では絶対に見つけられないだろう。

With just this much spaciousness and the cheapness of the apartment, it could definitely not be found in Tokyo right?

3.       ちょっと高かったが、使いやすさが気に入って、新しいケータイを買った。

It was a little expensive, but I like that it is easy to use, and I bought the new phone.

4.       彼女の頭のよさと仕事の速さは、会社で一番です。

Her sharpness of mind and quickness at work is the best in the company.

5.       彼の手の冷たさにびっくりした。

I was surprised by the coldness of his hand.

6.       値段は、重さによっても大きさによってもずいぶん違うそうです。

I hear that the price is very different depending on the weight and the size.

7.       沖縄の海の青さが忘れられない。

You will not be able to forget the blueness of the ocean in Okinawa.

8.       このレポートのことですが、長さは十分だと思いますが、もう少しグラフを多く入れてわかりやすくしてもらえませんか。

About this report, I think the length is enough, but could I have you make it easier to understand by putting in a few more graphs?

9.       この手紙からは彼女のやさしさがよく伝わって来ます。

Through this letter, her kindness really came through.

10.   きのう話したときの妹の元気のなさが心配になって、また電話をかけてみた。

Worried about my younger sister not being well when we talked yesterday, I called again to see.

11.   ここのステーキは肉の分厚さとやわらかさで有名です。

The steaks here are famous for the thickness and tenderness of the meat.


SP2 Conjecture ~そう () :


ADJ + そうだ

1.       このケーキ、おいしそうだ。

This cake looks delicious.

2.       木村君というのは、むこうに座っている頭がよさそうな子どもです。

Kimura-kun is the smart-looking kid sitting over there.

3.       あの大きい茶色のソファ、すごく気持ちがよさそうですね。

That big brown sofa looks really comfortable.

4.       横田さんはまだ首が痛そうだった。

Yokoda-san looked like her neck was hurting again.

5.       このセーター、暖かそうだったし、色も気に入ったので、買ってしまいました

This sweater looked warm, and what’s more I liked the color, so I ended up buying it.

6.       駅前に新しく()ったマンション、確かに便利だけど、部屋は狭そうだ。

The mansion that was newly built in front of the station certainly is convenient, but the rooms seem cramped.

7.       風が弱そうだったから、サーフィンには向かない日だと思って一日中家にいた。

The wind seemed weak, so thinking it was a day that wasn’t suitable for surfing, I was at home all day.

8.       彼女、まだ帰りたくなさそうな顔をしていましたよ。

She was making a face that looked like she does not want to go home yet.

9.       おもしろそうな映画をやっていると言うので一緒に見に行く約束をしたが、私の大嫌いなホラー系みたいだ。

She says they are doing a film that looks interesting, so we made an appointment to go see it together, but it looks like a horror movie that I hate.

10.   団地というのは、プライバシーはあまりなさそうだと聞いています。

I hear that at a housing development, it seems there is not much privacy.

11.   インターネットも使えなさそうな村に1年間住むことになった。

It was decided that I will live for one year in a village where it looks as though I also cannot use the internet.


(nominal) + そうだ

1.       彼、料理が上手そうだよ。 

He seems to be good at cooking.

Compare: 彼、料理が上手だそうだよ。

I hear he is good at cooking.

2.       しばらく授業に出ていなかったようだから心配していたけど、元気そうでよかった!

I was worried because it seemed you had not been coming to class for a while, but you seem healthy so that’s great!

3.       やっぱり、一人だけ遅くまで会社に残るのはいやそうだった。

Of course, she seemed to dislike staying in the office till late alone.

4.       まりちゃんはスポーツマンタイプの男性が好きそうだと聞いて、僕はがっかりしました。

Hearing that Mari-chan seems to like sportsman-type men, I was disappointed.

5.       楽そうな仕事だと思ってやるつもりでしたが、実は時間もかかるし、大変そうだと聞いたので、やっぱりやめることにしました。

Thinking it seemed like an enjoyable job, I was planning to do it, but actually it requires time, and what’s more I heard it seems really tough, so I decided to give it up after all.

6.       彼の好きそうな店を探して、誕生日にそこへ連れて行ってあげることにした。

I decided to look for a store that he would like, and take him there on his birthday.


V + そうだ  it looks as if…”

1.       窓がこわれそうです。

It looks as if the window will break.

2.       Compare: 窓がこわれたそうです。

I hear the window was broken.

3.       風でドアが閉まりそうだった。

It looked as if the door would close by the wind.

4.       今年はいつもより早く冬が来そうです。

This year, more than usual, it looks as if winter will come early.

5.       雨が降ってきそうだけど、かさ持って来なかったから、急いで家に帰ろう!

I looks as if it will start to rain, but because I didn’t come bringing an umbrella, let’s hurry and go home!

6.       こんな難しい問題を出しては、学生が困ってしまいそうです。

If we give out these kind of hard problems, it looks as if the students will have problems.

7.       晴れそうだったが、あいにく晩まで曇っていた。

It looked as if it would clear up, but unfortunately it was cloudy until nighttime.

8.       この仕事は明日の朝までかかりそうだ。

It looks as if this work will take until tomorrow morning.

9.       うちの子は、先月はじめてひとりで立ったのですが、もうすぐ歩きそうで、みんなで毎日ビデオを持って待っているんですよ。

Our kid stood up by himself for the first time last month, but it looks as though he will walk soon, so everyone is waiting with a video camera every day.

10.   もうすぐ晩ご飯ができそうだから、すぐ食べられるように、おはしとコップをテーブルに並べておいて。

Since it looks as though dinner will be done in a little bit, set the table with chopsticks and cups so that we can eat soon.


This pattern can be used in reference to the speaker, but V has to be his own non-volitional future action/state, including potentials/ability.

1.       なんとか松橋さんに助けてもらえそうです。

Somehow, it looks as though we can have Matsubashi-san help us out.

2.       もう少しでこの計算ができそうなんだけど、、、。

It looks as though I can almost do this calculation, but.

3.       この川は歩いて渡れそうだ。

It looks as though you can cross this river by walking.

4.       暑いし、のどが渇いて死にそうだった。

It was hot, and what ‘s more my throat was dry, and it seemed like I was going to die.

5.       こんな難しそうな英語の本は絶対読めないと思いましたが、先生に教えて頂いたので、なんとか読めそうな気がしてきました。

He thought he could definitely not read such a difficult English language book, but he had Teacher teach him, so he started to feel like somehow it seemed he could read it.



そうに見える 妬t appears as if

1.       あそこの喫茶店の中は涼しそうに見えますね。

It appears as if it is cool inside that cafe over there.

2.       ドアのところに立っている女性は、具合が悪そうに見えた。

The girl standing by the door, it appears as if her health is bad.

3.       このジャケット、 実はフリーマーケットで買った千円の物だけど、高そうに見えるって友だちが言ってくれた

This jacket is actually something I bought at a flea market for 1000 yen, but my friend said it appears as if it’s expensive.

4.       あの学生はコンピューターに詳しそうに見えたが、実は私と同じぐらいしかわからないらしい。

That student appeared as if he was good with computers, but actually they say he only knows about as much as me.

5.       課長は田中さんのことがあまり好きじゃなさそうに見えましたが、実はすごく気に入っているらしいです。

It appeared as if the section manager did not like Tanaka-san very much, but actually they say he really likes him.


V (stem)+そうに(も)ない it doesn’t look as if…”


1.       今から急いで行っても、10時発の新幹線には間に合いそうにない。

Even if we go now in a hurry, it doesn’t look as if we will make it on time for the bullet train that leaves at 10 o’clock.

2.       外国に行った弟のことがすごく心配になって、寝られそうにない。

I became very worried about my younger brother who went abroad, and it doesn’t look as if I will be able to sleep.

3.       いくら説明しても、私の気持ちはわかってくれそうにない。

However much I explain, it doesn’t look as if he will understand my feeling.

4.       道がすいていても、正午までには着けそうもないそうです。

Even though the street is empty, they say it doesn’t look as if he can arrive by noon.

5.       東大や京大のような大学には入れそうもないと思いますが、先生はがんばるように言ってくださいました。

I think that it doesn’t look as if I can get into universities like Tokyo University and Kyoto University, but Teacher told me to try my best.


SP3 らしい


1.       父は若いときは教師になりたかったらしい。

It seems that when my father was young, he wanted to become a teacher.

2.       きのうは留守だったらしいが、今日はちゃんと家にいた。

It seems he was out yesterday, but today he was definitely at home.

3.       地下鉄もないし、バスも少ないし、不便らしい。

There is no subway, and what’s more there are few buses, so it seems inconvenient.

4.       池本さんによると、この辺は5年前までは店が2、3軒しかなかったらしい。

According to Ikemoto-san, it appears that until five years ago there were only two or three buildings in this area.

5.       この店は予約を取らないらしいので、早く行った方がいいよ。

Since it appears that this store does not take reservations, we had better go early.

6.       高校で同じクラスだった林さん、離婚(りこん)して両親の所にもどってきたらしいよ。

Hayashi-san, who was in the same high-school class as me, it seems that she got a divorce and has come back to live at her parents’ place.

7.       となりの町の中学校では、 インフルエンザで休む人がたくさんいて、イベントをキャンセルすることになったたらしい。
At the middle school of the neighboring town, there are so many people out with the flu, it seems that it was decided to cancel the event.

8.       ヨーロッパでは夏に2ヶ月ぐらい休んで旅行に行くのが普通らしいが、日本人には考えられない。

In Europe, it seems that it is normal to take vacation for around two months and travel in summer, but that is out of the question for Japanese people.


Nominalらしい can express that the subject possesses the qualities that are considered natural/essential for N,  typical/ideal of N



1.       今日は本当に夏らしい一日でした。

Today was really a typical summer day.

2.       彼女にもっと女らしくするように言った。

He told her to try to be more feminine.

3.       あの子は大人のような話し方をするので、あまり子供らしくない。

That kid has a grown-up way of speaking, not very typical of a child.

4.       学生らしい服って、どういう服か私にはよく分からない。

I have no idea what “clothes typical of a student” means.

5.       そんなにおこって、どうしたの?いつものさっちゃんらしくないよ。

She’s that angry, what happened? This isn’t like Sa-chan.