レッスン26B 例文
SP1: ばかり (だ/する) |
Why is it that only I am this busy?
How about not studying that much every day and going to see a movie?
Drinking just alcohol without eating a meal is bad.
4. 課長は北野さんにばかり大変な仕事を頼むようだが、少しは
It seems that the section manager only asks Kitano-san
to do the tough jobs, even though it would be good if he asked a little of
other people, too.
5. クレームが来るのは、いつも同じお客さんからばかりだ。
As for claims coming
in, it’s always from the same customers.
Even though before, my older sister only ever wore
jeans, recently she has suddenly come to wear only feminine clothes every day.
I wonder if she met someone she likes or something.
7. 役に立たないことばかりを覚えていて、大切なことはすぐ忘れてしまう。
I only remember useless things, and I quickly forget
important things completely.
8. 銀行には確か4万円ばかり残っているはずだ。
If I remember correctly, there must be only about
40,000 yen left in the bank.
9. お忙しいところ申し訳ないですが、1時間ばかりお時間頂けませんか。
Excuse me, I know you are busy, but would it be
possible to have only about one hour of your time?
10. 英語ができる学生を5人ばかり集めてもらえませんか。
Can I have you gather together only about five
students who can speak English?
11. 雪の日ばかりなので、買い物に行くのもいやになります。
Because it’s just snowy days, I don’t like going
12. 冷たい飲み物ばかりだったので、熱いお茶もほしいだろうと思いまして、、。
Since there were only cold drinks, I thought they
might like hot tea also, but….
Adj./Na Nominal(imperf) + ばかり
1. この果物、高いばかりで全然おいしくなくてがっかりだわ。
This fruit is
just expensive, it’s not tasty at all and I’m disappointed.
2. ここは暑いばかりじゃなくて、ハリケーンも来るし、何日も雨が降らないこともあるし、住みにくいところだ。
Here it’s not just
hot all the time, what’s more hurricanes come, and there are also times when it
doesn’t rain for many days, so it is a place that’s hard to live in.
3. デザインがかわいいばかりで、物は入れにくいし、持ちにくいし、こんなバッグはやっぱり買うのをやめておいたらよかったなぁ。
It’s just that the
design is pretty, but it’s hard to put things into it, and what’s more it’s
hard to carry, so I should have given up buying a bag like this after all.
4. 100ドルが必要なばかりに、ステレオを売らなくちゃならなかった。
It’s just that I
needed 100 dollars, so I had to sell the stereo.
5. 竹本先輩はきれいなばかりでやさしくない女性だと思っていたが、そうでもなさそうだ。
I was thinking that
the senior Takemoto-san was just pretty and not a
nice girl, but it seems that is not the case.
6. 料理が下手なばかりじゃなくて、そうじするのも大嫌いだったから、母はだれとも結婚できないと思っていたそうだ。
I hear that since I
was not just bad at cooking, I also hated cleaning, my mother thought that I
could not get married to anyone.
Even though I just came back from a business trip this weekend, starting
tomorrow is another one.
Even though they just got married last year, they’re already planning a
3. アメリカに着いたばかりのころは、英語が通じなくてとても困った。
When I had just
arrived in America, I couldn’t make myself understood in English and it was a
real problem.
4. 娘は先月高校を出たばかりです。
My daughter just
graduated high school last month.
5. 仕事はなくなるし、物価は高くなるばかりだし、近いうちに、もっと小さいアパートに引っ越さなくてはいけなくなりそうだ。
Since my job will be gone, and what’s more the
cost-of-living will just get more expensive, in the near future it looks like I
will have to more to a smaller apartment.
6. 先週この会社に入ったばかりなので、詳しい仕事の内容がまだよく分からない。
Since I just entered this company last week, I still
don’t understand the content of the detailed jobs very well.
7. 専門を経済に決めたばかりだが、数学をやるのもあきらめたくないし、また考え直している。
I just decided to major in economics, but since I
don’t want to give up doing math also, I’m rethinking again.
8. 直してもらったばかりのブレーキにまだ問題があるようだ。
It seems there is still a problem with the brakes that
I just had fixed.
9. 電話を切ったばかりのところに、また他の人から電話が入った。
Just at the time when I hung up the telephone, a call
from another person came in.
V (imperfective) + ばかり
All I do is think
that I’ll start tomorrow, so I just can’t start the report.
However much you say
that you don’t want to eat, if you all you do is drink this thin soup, you
probably won’t get healthy.
3. 彼は文句を言うばかりで、自分では何もやろうとしない人だ。
All he does is complain,
and doesn’t try to do anything himself.
4. いつもおみやげを頂くばかりで申し訳ありません。
All I do is receive
souvenirs from you all the time, and thank you very much.
5. 学校を辞めてしまった妹のことを考えていると気が重くなるばかりです。
When I think about my
younger sister who ended up quitting school, all I do is get depressed.
It’s bad to do nothing but drink alcohol!
2. 母は私が子供のころから毎日働いてばかりだったから、本当はさびしかった。
Since I was a kid,
every day my mother did nothing but work, so I was really lonely.
3. さっきから、言い訳を言ってばかりで、何も終わってないじゃないの!
You’ve been doing nothing but complaining, and you
haven’t finished anything!
On his days off, Tanaka-san’s husband does nothing but
sleep, and it seems he doesn’t help out at all.
5. やり方を間違えてばかりの自分に腹が立つ。
I get mad at myself for doing nothing but making
mistakes on the way of doing it.
6. 彼のことが気になって、さっきから同じページを読んでばかりいます。
I am worried about
him, so I’ve been doing nothing but reading the same page.
7. やってもらってばかりじゃなくて、あなたも手伝ったら?
How about if instead
of only having things done for you, you also helped out?
SP2: Representative 〜たり〜たり する/だ |
I thought it
was strange that recently he has been coming off and on to class, but it seems
that he has become really sick.
Since the other
day, it has been raining off and on, so I think you had better go bringing an
Since this is
the vacation that you’ve been waiting for, how about if you did things like
watching television and taking a walk, and relaxed more?
Since every day
it’s been cold or hot, it’s hard to decide what to wear outside.
What’s the
matter? You’ve been doing things like suddenly saying something strange and
forgetting important things, recently you’ve been a little off.
In university
classes, depending on the professor there are a lot of problems, or just a few.
vacation, when I do nothing but enjoy myself with things like watching anime,
going to the beach, and going out with friends, will soon be over.
Since I don’t
really like making conversation, and what’s more I’m not very good at going out
with people, on Sundays I do things by myself like reading a book and cooking,
and stay at home all day.
A hobby? Well
let’s see, sometimes I like to do things like going on a drive, but….
I suppose it would be
bad if I asked such a thing of the senior who helped me out with various
Watanabe-sensei was
mad that there were many students who were doing things like sleeping and
sending email during class.
SP2: V(imperfective) + べき(だ) |
Until I can have him understand that point, I should
explain properly.
Shouldn’t you go to the wedding in more formal
During this vacation, I think I will take my time
considering whether I should continue with this current job, or whether I
should look for a new job.
You’re not a kid anymore, so you should take care of
Since you came all the way to Hawai’i, you should
enjoy yourself more without just worrying about work.
It’s a problem if the person who is supposed to come
the earliest, comes the latest.
Should I throw away the jacket that has gotten too
small, or give it to someone….
It seems that the money he should have returned to the
senior, he used at pachinko.
There is no way that people who do not do things that
they should do, can become prominent.
〜べきじゃない (ought not. should not)
1. いくら腹がたっても、先輩にそんなひどい言葉を使うべきじゃないよ。
However angry you are, you should not use
such a bad word with the senior.
2. 子供もいるんだから、そんなにすぐに離婚を決めるべきじゃないと思うけど。
I think since there are kids, you
shouldn’t decide on divorce that soon, but….
3. 授業中は、となりの人としゃべるべきじゃないと分かってはいるけれど。
I understand that during class, you
shouldn’t talk to the person next to you, but….
4. そういう場合は人に頼まない方がいいよ、というより、むしろ、頼むべきじゃないと思う。
In a case like that you’d better not
ask anyone, or rather I think you should not ask.
5. ほんの10分でも赤ちゃんを一人で車の中に残しておくべきじゃないということをわかっていない母親もいるらしい。
It seems there are mothers who do
not understand that you should not leave a baby by itself inside a car, even
for only ten minutes.
6. 書くべきじゃないことを書いてしまったのだったら、やっぱり自分が悪かったというべきでしょう。
If I wrote something I should not
have written, I should probably say that I was wrong after all.
〜べきだった (regret for not having done..)
1. もっと若いうちに、外国に旅行したり留学したりしておくべきでした。
I should have
done things like traveling to foreign countries and studying abroad when I was
2. 大事な手紙が見つからない!昨日ちゃんとしまっておくべきだったなぁ。
I can’t find the
important letter! I should have put it away properly yesterday.
3. 広本さんの新しい電話番号、なんだったっけなぁ。やっぱり書いてもらうべきだったなぁ。
What was Hiromoto-san’s new telephone number again? I should have
had him write it down after all.
4. ちゃんと予約しておくべきだったと思っても、もう遅い。
Even though I think
we should have made a reservation in advance, it’s too late.
5. これは今週中に済ませておくべきだった宿題のリストです。
This is a list of the
homework that I should have finished during this week.
6. 祖母が死ぬ前に伝えておくべきだったことが、いつまでも頭から離れない。
The things that I
should have said to my grandma before she died, I can’t ever get out of my
〜べきじゃなかった (regret for having done …)
1. 通勤がこんなに不便な所に、アパートを借りるべきじゃなかったなぁ。
I shouldn’t have rented
an apartment in a place where the commute to work is this inconvenient.
2. クラブとは直接関係のない私が、間に入るべきじゃなかった。
Not having a direct
connection with the club, I should not have gotten in the middle.
3. やっぱり犬なんか預かるべきじゃなかった。えさをやったり、散歩に連れて行ったり、世話が大変で、もう倒れそう!
I shouldn’t have
taken care of a dog, or anything, after all. Doing things like feeding it and
taking it for walks, caring for it is tough and I feel like I’m going to
collapse already!
4. こういう約束はするべきじゃなかったと、あとで思ったが、してしまったものは仕方がない。
I thought afterwards
that I shouldn’t have made a promise like this, but what’s done is done.