21H.102: The Emergence of Modern America
Study Questions for Week of Oct. 10
Henry Ford biography in Nash and Graves, From These Beginnings; Chapter 23 of American People
1. What was so revolutionary about the assembly line? How did the assembly line actually work?
2. How could Henry Ford afford to keep lowering the price of the Model T?
3. Who worked at the Ford Motor Company?
4. Why did Ford pay his workers $5 a day?
5. What were his views on labor rights? On labor unrest in general?
6. What were the lessons of the strikes of 1919?
7. What was welfare capitalism?
8. What were the benefits and drawbacks of working for Ford?
9. Who drove the Model T cars?
10. How did cars change America?
11. Why did Americans desire new consumer products?
12. How did manufacturers and advertisers try to sell their products?
13. What role did women play in the new consumer culture?
14. Did all Americans view this new consumer culture in a positive light?