21H.102: The Emergence of Modern America, 1865 to the Present
Paper #2

Length: 5 pages, double-spaced

Due date: Monday, November 7, 2005 (at the beginning of lecture)

Choose one (1) of the following questions to answer in a clear and cogent essay:

1) War can serve as a powerful engine of social change. Which of the two world wars had a greater impact on American society, and why?

2) Was American participation in World War I inevitable? Why or why not?

3) Jane Addams feared that World War I would be the end of progressivism at home. Was she right?

4) Did President Roosevelt's vision of America's place on the world stage differ from the visions of previous American leaders, particularly those of Woodrow Wilson? If so, how and why?

5) Did World War II expand or reduce Americans' civil liberties?

Please note that you are required to substantiate your argument with evidence from the assigned readings.