I knocked on the door of his study. I waited only bare moments; the door opened quickly, much to my surprise, and I saw Monsieur Abelliard with his coat in hand. He looked at me in surprise as he asked, “Alexandre, I did not expect you back today. You bring news from Versailles?”

I quickly nodded and reached for the map case within my cloak. Pulling it from of its strings, I handed it to him, “I rode all day to bring it to you today. I thought it important enough that you would want to start printing it immediately.” That perked his curiosity, though in truth, all were curious about the goings on of Versailles; the National Assembly was continuing to make news that everyone wanted to hear. No, news everyone demanded to hear. The presses had been extremely busy these last months as the news was continually made available. I was making a handsome sum riding as a courier, more than I had made in any equal span of time.

His hands took up the map case, opening it and sliding the document out. A heavy-set man, his deep grumbling voice made a snort of surprise, “So they managed to agree on something, did they?” He turned and I followed him into his study, noticing his wife for the first time. Madame Abelliard stood waiting in the back, patiently, as she saw that more business was about to be conducted. Much thinner, and younger, than her husband, I had always thought that she was his antithesis. Whereas he was dark spot on my vision, she was always something brighter, a bloom upon a dogwood glistening by morning’s awakening.

“Oh yes, Monsieur. They agreed on many things in the document that you now hold. I managed to secure a few draft copies that were circulated right before the signing.” I couldn’t help but smile. I saw Madame begin to smile, in the corner of my eye, but Monsieur was not nearly so ready in his mirth.

Rather gravely, he stated, “The Declaration of Rights of Man and the Citizen.” My smile was slowly beginning to fade as I brushed my cloak back, leaning my weight to one foot. “And there’s much more.” To my surprise, he began to read aloud, thoughtfully and slowly, the contents of the document.

Declaration of Rights of Man and the Citizen.