I slipped out the door and strode down the hallway, calling out Diego’s name. He paused to see who called, then continued down the hallway, though slowing down his hurried pace. “Talk fast, Alexandre. The printshop is about to become very busy, and I must work to make sure it isn’t my fault that it takes all night to get the job done.”

“Don’t worry, we can talk while you do your work. I won’t drag you behind.” I hurried up to him and asked, “You saw the Declaration? Read any of it? Had any of it read to you?”

He gave me a curt nod, “Yes.” And then nothing further was said. He stopped in front of a door, unlocking it, and slid a barrel out of the closet, setting it on the floor. The door was quickly locked again and the barrel was back in his arms within moments. However, the silence around us was deafening as I waited for his reaction that I began to doubt would be volunteered.

“Perhaps you are good at hiding your eagerness, but you don’t seem enthusiastic about the Declaration.”

“I am, but I do not have high hopes for it. It is just words on paper.”

My eyes widened a bit in surprise, “Just words? This is the new foundation for the government of France. This is what our laws will be based on from now on. How can you be enthusiastic, yet not have high hopes?”

That gave him a brief smile, then he shook his head, “Because it does not say that slavery is bad. It claims that all men have these rights, but I do not think that they count slaves as men. Africans will continue to be captured and sent away from their lands in chains; this declaration will not stop that. As long as men can enslave other men, this declaration is just paper to me.”

I slowed, a little shocked and surprised by his attitude, but Diego has always been a recalcitrant fellow. His period of life in bondage still affected him greatly, perhaps even scarring him. I wasn’t sure whether or not to be worried about his attitude and what he said as we began to get closer to Master LaMontangue’s office.

Continue with Diego into the pressroom.
Return to Master LaMontangue’s office.