Kill Two Birds With One Stone
The phrase to "Kill Two Birds With One Stone" has been around for a while, but it has taken on new meanings recently. The generic meaning of the phrase is to accomplish two tasks by performing one action. For example, if your male friend has asked you to set him up with a nice woman, and your woman friend asks you to set her up, you could arrange for them to meet. It is as if with a single well-aimed throw of a stone (the solution) you killed two birds (the problems). If you were less efficient (or more original!) you would find a different woman for your male friend and a different man for your female friend.
Note that I used the phrase "if you were less efficient." This is why the adage has taken on a new importance recently. With the fast paced world we live in, it has become increasingly necessary to perform as many tasks as quickly as possible. By finding one solution that completes many tasks, you can get done faster.
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