"Corporate media has turned the news into propaganda," says the SJC web site. "But in this age of information, getting accurate news and fair reporting is still possible."

Mark Weaver records protests outside the World Bank in Washington, DC for No Censorship Radio, a WMBR show with the motto, "Art, Activism, and Anarchy."

Indymedia blends journalism and activism, using local coverage to facilitate the formation of international networks. For example, when a group of South African activists were arrested and denied bail, a spokesperson for the group posted a news article to South African Indymedia. Julia Steinberger forwarded the post to peace-announce, urging students at MIT to take action and call the South African consulate. In another case, Martin Hunter summarized material from Argentinian Indymedia for a panel discussion at MIT on the Argentian monetary crisis.

Are institutions like Indymedia mean to replace traditional ones, or supplement them? It depends who you ask. While Julia envisions an ideal world in which "no one is making any profit," Bryan Ford is unwilling to go that far. "I don't agree with many on the left who seem to think that traditional capitalist structures have no place in a better world," he said. "Traditional structures have shown that they get things done-- the problem is that they are out of control."

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