We're riding around the winding paths in the garden cart, on "safari" as the greenhouse crew calls it. Mary is pointing out where the giant snapping turtle lives and where to look for the Great Horned Owl. She's telling stories of the goldfish she releases into the ponds and the turtles she relocates from her own neighborhood to give them a better life.

This is not an arboretum or park, but Mt. Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge, Massachusetts. And Mary Scalisi is not a guide, but Assistant Greenhouse Manager, part of a remarkably cohesive community of people who do everything from choosing seeds, growing flowering plants, and honoring historic agreements for maintaining lots, to assisting grieving families in decorating their grave sites.

[A view of the cemetery grounds in spring.]
[Halcyon Lake in spring. Mary Baker Eddy, the founder of Christian Science, is memorialized with the tomb seen on the far side.]