In addition to intramurals, Sunday is a big workday. After two days of parties and relaxing, it's time for most brothers to get back into schoolwork. Starting at around 3:00 PM, the common room and the chapter room, gradually start filling with people doing work. The music in the common room is way up, but scattered all over the floor and tables are books and papers. Some brothers prefer the quiet of their own rooms, but many like to work with each other in small groups. One brother, Dave can almost always be found in the common room supposedly doing homework, but in reality chatting away with everyone and anyone nearby. It's no wonder he was voted Best Spewer this past semester. The term "spewer" is used to refer to someone who constantly spends his time in the common room talking to whoever comes by. The hours until dinner pass quickly, and at 6:00 PM, the dinner bell is dinged twice. Once again, books are left lying around as the brothers troop into the dining room for their meal.