21w.789 Communicating with Mobile Technology
[ Projects ] [ Syllabus ] [ Recommended Readings ] [ 2014 Course ]
Spring 2015
TAs: This class takes students through the mobile design process from
generative research to design, protoyping, and evaluation of a novel
mobile application or service. Students work in small collaborative
design teams to propose, build, and document a semester-long project
focused on a mobile application or service in their domain of
interest. Additional assignments include exploring location and
networking services in a variety of conditions. Students document
their work through a series of written and oral proposals, progress
reports, and a final conference-style paper. This course covers the
basics of Android programming and explores mobile imaging and media
creation, location-based services, user-centered design, usability
testing, and prototyping. Java experience required.
Prereq: 1.00, 6.005, or permission of instructor
Note: Due to high demand, this course will be taught in a
lecture/recitation format with an approximately 1.5 hour long lecture
and several 1.5 hour recitation/studio sections with additional staff
immediately following. Attendance at both is expected as the material
covered in lecture will be immediately applied to semester projects in
the recitation sections.
Note: Although some material will be taught in Android,
students are welcome to develop for Windows Phone or iOS-based devices
if they have them. Students must supply their own devices. Celluar
data access is required for one assignment.