2010 Syllabus

Date Topic Reading (before class!) In Class Group Activity Assignment (due next class) Notes
2/2 Mobile Applications Overview: Overview of research areas in mobile computing. Discussion of the domains and structures of mobile applications. Discussion of how mobile technology is changing communication patterns. None Share interests, begin to form project gorups Mobile observation study (10%) notes
2/9 Generative HCI Methods: Methods to generate application ideas grounded in user needs. Performing analysis of user data to generate concept ideas. Outline for proposals. Contextual Design Affinity analysis of observation study, informal report on observations Proposal (20%) notes

Written & oral proposals

2/23 Proposal Presentations: Students present proposals for semester projects. Applying UCD to Mobile Application Development
3/2 Mobile Design / Paper Prototyping: Going from requirements to an interaction model down to the design of screens. Rapid prototyping and evaluation. Discovering usability problems early. Prototyping For Tiny Fingers
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3-4 screens prototyped, usability testing Complete paper prototype (10%) notes
3/9 Android Fundamentals: Creating applications for mobile devices. Differences to desktop Java. Application lifecycle. GUI, networking, storage classes. Other mobile programming environments (iPhone).
Mobile Location: Novel applications of location in social, media tagging, and public safety applications. Mobile location technology including GPS/CellID/Wifi localization.
ZoneTag, Place Its Discuss anticipated technological hurdles Location Exploration (10%) notes
3/16 Wearables: Introduction to wearables by Leah Buechley from the Media Lab. Controlling ubicomp devices from mobile phones.
Other Application Areas: Persuasive applications, games, social media.
UbiFit Garden, Persuasive Games Find project teams for wearables project. Prepare poster/demo on current project state (10%, due 3/30), Wearables project with Leah's class (15%, due 4/6) notes
3/30 Poster/Demo session: Share current progress on project with the class.
Arduino: Details on programming for Arduino/Amarino
Present posters and demos. Finish wearables project. notes
4/6 Wearable Project Presentations: Joint class with Wearables class. Present joint projects. None
4/13 Final Project Reports, checkpoint: Expectations for final reports. Private conferences with each project team. None Continue working on final project
4/27 Final Project Triage: Get help with any remaining issues for final projects. None Share latest progress. Continue working on final project (25%)
5/4, 5/11 Final Presentations None None Final written report due Friday, May 14, noon in Ed Barrett's office (14N-336).