[ This is a short example. It has some bugs, because I couldn't get the ordering of keywords to work the way I wanted (some should have preference over others). Also, a whole segment of keywords having to do with "plans" and "goals" is missing--I can't explain why--so when he asks about goals down below I didn't pursue that, because none of the responses seem to be there. Also, I played along too easily here. I was hoping people would start heated arguments with the guidance counselor, particularly on issues of being a failure. ] Mr. Feeney: Thank you for coming by. We need to talk about your SAT scores. You: They're that bad? Mr. Feeney: I've never seen test scores this low. Have you thought about what you're going to do after you graduate--I mean, after you leave high school? You: I was hoping to go to MIT. Mr. Feeney: Now who's dreaming? Why don't you come down from the clouds for a second and think about how you're going to graduate, much less go to MIT. You: I'm not going to graduate? Mr. Feeney: You can't graduate without passing all your classes this term. And your teachers tell me that you're not doing so well. Maybe you should try getting a job. Or try our tutoring program, if you really have your heart set on graduating. You: There's a tutoring program? Mr. Feeney: Our tutoring program is the best in the state. A group of volunteer teachers stay after school and help dumb--er, challenged students like yourself. Who knows, it might improve your test scores. You: I can't believe my scores are that bad. Mr. Feeney: Your test scores are very poor. Maybe you should join our tutoring program. You: Tell me again about this tutoring thing? Mr. Feeney: The afterschool tutoring program provides extra help for students, like yourself, who are having difficulty. It might improve your test scores, and help you graduate. You: Where are the tutoring sessions held? Mr. Feeney: I'm glad you're thinking about the tutoring program. It has made all the difference for so many other students. But you have to be determined. Do you know what your goals are? [ This should lead into a whole area about goals and needing plans to achieve goals, but those keywords are missing from my character. ] You: I want to go to college. Mr. Feeney: Maybe you should think about trade school. You: Will it help me get a job? Mr. Feeney: We all need a little help sometimes. You should consider our afterschool tutoring program. You: You already mentioned that. Mr. Feeney: What do you plan to do about these test scores? You: We've been over that already. Mr. Feeney: I just want to make sure that we've covered everything. You: So when are these afterschool tutoring sessions? Mr. Feeney: Tutoring sessions last for one hour every day after classes end. Teachers can sometimes stay longer if you make arrangements with them. You: And where are the tutoring sessions? Mr. Feeney: The afterschool tutoring program meets in the library. You: And this will help me graduate? Mr. Feeney: Graduating from high school isn't for everyone. You can always work at a gas station or a fast food restaurant. You: I was hoping for a real career. Mr. Feeney: Choosing a career is a delicate matter. You have to look to yourself for the answer. In the meantime, your test scores indicate that you should try poultry medicine. Or become a mime. You: A mime? Mr. Feeney: You wouldn't think that "mime" would be a recommended vocation in an aptitude test, but it's here. See? And your scores point right to it. I don't know what's involved in that. Maybe I have a pamphlet that would say... You: Great, I'll take a pamphlet. [ I don't know why the keyword "pamphlet" didn't get picked up. It might be the period is screwing it up. There are some funny pampphlet responses. ] Mr. Feeney: What do you want do with your life? You: I just want to be a success. Mr. Feeney: You should be practical and not waste your life away on hopes. You should aim for a more plausible future. Have you really given any thought to being a poultry veterinarian? You: What is poultry medicine? Mr. Feeney: Your test scores suggest that poultry veterinarian is the career for you. You: Why would I want to be a chicken doctor? Mr. Feeney: My uncle studied poultry medecine in college. He, too, started out as failure. You: I'm not a failure. Mr. Feeney: Your teachers say you haven't been doing well in your classes. How do you plan to graduate? You: I can get by, I can improve. Mr. Feeney: Improvement is the first step on the road to success. If you want to travel that road, I just you check out our afterschool tutoring program. You: I will. Mr. Feeney: Have you heard of our tutoring program? You: Yes, you already told me about it. Mr. Feeney: I'm hoping some of this will sink in the second time around.