cafe car1 car2

Cafe Car, 9:30

"Hold on," says Miles, "I'm going to open in about five minutes, if you want to hang around."
"I think I can manage that." says Colin. He walks back out in to the section with the booths and sits down. He stares out the window, watching the lights go by. He wonders for a moment where they are. They haven't gotten to Baltimore, but things looks awfully urban. Maybe a suburb. He thinks about Sara, back in the other car. Meeting her parents wasn't as bad as he had expected. The seemed like normal people. From the way she talked about them, you'd think they were serial killers
"Ok, we're open. I hope that wasn't too painful of a wait."
"No problem. Waiting will just make the food taste better."
He spent a minute looking over the menu. I suppose when you have a monopoly like this, you can charge whatever you want, he thinks. He finally orders a package of M&Ms, and two sodas, for him and Sara.
By now there is a fairly long line. Good thing I showed up early, he thinks. He passes a man with his kid, who must be seven or eight, and is running completely wild. As he kicks the button to open the door, he feels something hit the back of his neck. He turns around to see the kid grinning at him.

Route Map

Dramatis Personae

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