cafe car1 car2

Car Two, 10:30

Colin returns from his trip with two sodas and a bag of M&Ms. Sara gives him a sour look.
"What?" he asks.
"I was hoping for something a little bit more substantial."
"How can you get more substantial than M&Ms?" he asks, with a smile. She smiles back. They eat and drink, and talk quietly for a time.
"Here," says Sara, "I want to take a nap."
She inches around, and plops her head down in his lap. She stretches her arms into the isle, narrowly avoiding hitting a man who is going by. The tour group has quieted down, and the man and his son seem to still be in the cafe car. She rolls over on her side, and curls up into a ball.
Colin passes the time looking out the window and thinking. At one point he sees a man he had not seen before place a seat check above a seat and settle in.

Meanwhile, in the front of the car, Ada has gotten the courage to ask her seatmate about his piercings, and he is happy to talk about them. His name is Ian, and he is also an art student. He is impressed by the RISD name.
"Yeah," he says, "I got my first piercing when I was twelve. My parents were pretty cool and they let me get my ear pierced. Its been all downhill from there."
"The one that really gets to me," Ada says, "is the lip spike. I mean, that has to be inconvenient sometimes."
"The price we pay for art. You should see some of my other ones."
"No, that's really okay."

Route Map

Dramatis Personae

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